UPV / EHU Brief Announcement: An Efficient Failure Detector for Omission Environments R. Cortiñas, I. Soraluze, A. Lafuente, M. Larrea University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU
UPV / EHU 2 PODC’2010 − Zurich, Switzerland, July 25-28, 2010 Why do you have to read our BA We propose a new failure detector for the general omission model: –send / receive –permanent / transient –non selective / selective Assumptions: –partially synchronous distributed system –reliable communication –majority of correct processes Communication-efficient implementation: –at most 2(n-1) links are used forever –spanning tree among well-connected processes
UPV / EHU 3 PODC’2010 − Zurich, Switzerland, July 25-28, 2010 Communication Efficiency n = 7 10 links are used (forever) BFS spanning tree