1 RTD TOD Program University of Denver November 2004
2 Rapid Transit Network 119 miles of new and expanded rapid transit 9 Rapid transit corridors Funding for 18 miles of Bus Rapid Transit Expanded park-n- Ride system Enhanced bus network
3 RTD Authorizing Legislation CRS: The District, acting by and through the Board, is authorized to develop, maintain, and operate a mass transportation system for the benefit of the inhabitants of the District.
4 Integrated TOD Program Board Policy Adopted January 2001 Establishes a “framework” to advocate TOD coordinate with local jurisdictions promote TODs that build ridership encourage TOD in site selection and design promote TOD in disposition of property address legal and legislative issues acquire strategic parcels that support future transit investments
5 Key Partners in Making TOD Happen Transit Agency Local Governments Communities Developers
6 Relationship Between Transportation & Land Use Planning DRCOG Vision Plan ID Corridors and Land Use ROD Project EIS ID Station Locations, Access, Design, TOD Opportunities Project MIS ID Technology & Alignment Final Design Obtain ROW, Design Stations, Facilities Construction DRCOG/ RTD Led Effort Local Gov’t Developer Opportunities Master/ Comp Plan Adoption of Transit Oriented Zoning Neighborhood / Subarea Plans Site Plans & Zoning Assemblage/ Marketing Construction Active encouragement and support of all TOD activities listed below RTD’s TOD Role
7 TOD Short Term Focus – Corridors Built or Underway Encourage TODs on Existing & T-REX Corridors. Approaches include: coordinate with local jurisdictions participate to the extent possible on TODs that build ridership encourage TODs in site selection and design to the extent possible promote TOD in disposition of excess property
8 Short Term Focus – Central Corridor Success Stories: Welton Street Corridor The Point, completed in 2003, offers 68 residential units and 16,000 square feet of retail The Lofts at Downing Street Station offer 33 housing units and 12,000 square feet of retail.
9 Short Term Focus – Central Corridor Santa Fe / Alameda RFP issued RFP requested pedestrian bridge to Alameda Station Two TOD proposals under consideration Alameda Avenue Santa Fe Drive Central Corridor Alameda Station XYZ
10 Short Term Focus – Central Corridor Broadway/I25 Gates 15 acres RTD land New surface parking with 1,003 stalls Connector of Southeast and Southwest light rail lines Cherokee Development: 50 acres 4,000 dwelling units 2.25 million square feet of office retail 15 acres RTD land New surface parking with 1,003 stalls Connector of Southeast and Southwest light rail lines Cherokee Development: 50 acres 4,000 dwelling units 2.25 million square feet of office retail N Broadway Mississippi I-25
11 Short Term Focus – Southwest Corridor Success Story: Englewood City Center Light rail station/transit hub with civic/Cultural Center Retail/entertainment 500+ residential units General merchandise shopping (Wal-Mart) Shared parking Light rail station/transit hub with civic/Cultural Center Retail/entertainment 500+ residential units General merchandise shopping (Wal-Mart) Shared parking
12 Short Term Focus – Other park-n-Rides Brighton Brighton N
13 Short Term Focus – T-REX Belleview I-25 Belleview Union 47-Acre site adjacent to station is being master planned for a mixed use development with residential, retail and commercial components.
14 Short Term Focus – T-REX Arapahoe at Village Center Station 3.7 acres RTD land 5-level, 820 stall parking garage CDOT facility on ground floor parking garage Pedestrian bridge over I-25 to LRT platform City of Greenwood Village Town Center to be developed on 5.3 adjacent acres 3.7 acres RTD land 5-level, 820 stall parking garage CDOT facility on ground floor parking garage Pedestrian bridge over I-25 to LRT platform City of Greenwood Village Town Center to be developed on 5.3 adjacent acres
15 Short Term Focus – T-REX Lincoln 5 acres RTD land 5-level, 1404 stall parking garage Pedestrian bridge to east side of I-25 Adjacent 53 acres master-planned for TOD mixed use development 5 acres RTD land 5-level, 1404 stall parking garage Pedestrian bridge to east side of I-25 Adjacent 53 acres master-planned for TOD mixed use development Southeast LRT N
16 Short Term Focus – T-REX Dayton N East Hampden Ave. I-225 Station area plans include over 250 apartment units and local neighborhood retail.
17 Long Term Focus – FasTracks Corridors Work with local jurisdictions through Stages of the transportation planning process Coordinate with local jurisdictions (all phases) Identify appropriate station locations and TOD opportunities (EIS/PE phase) Assist local jurisdictions and developers in developing land use plans and zoning to accommodate/encourage TOD (MIS and EIS phases) Assemble and design stations with TOD focus (Final Design)
18 Long Term Focus – West Corridor Opportunities with completed EIS Corridors: Federal Center Plans call for a high-density, mixed-use development with a neo-traditional street grid system. At build-out the site would have up to 2.9 million square feet of office space 600,000 square feet of retail 1150 rental units and 600 owner-occupied units. Wadsworth Identified in coordination with Lakewood during EIS as potential TOD site opportunity. Federal Center Plans call for a high-density, mixed-use development with a neo-traditional street grid system. At build-out the site would have up to 2.9 million square feet of office space 600,000 square feet of retail 1150 rental units and 600 owner-occupied units. Wadsworth Identified in coordination with Lakewood during EIS as potential TOD site opportunity. N
19 Long Term Focus – US 36 Corridor Opportunities with on-going EIS Corridors 30 th & Pearl Proposed 7.5 acre transit village will be a medium to high density development with a mix of residential, open space and commercial space. Limited parking will be available on-site to promote live-work opportunities and encourage use of the transit station. Other US 36 Examples: The Village at Walnut Creek Proposed 7.5-acre transit village would be a medium to high density development with a mix of residential, open space and commercial space. Limited parking will be available on-site to promote live-work opportunities and encourage the use of the transit station. 30 th & Pearl Proposed 7.5 acre transit village will be a medium to high density development with a mix of residential, open space and commercial space. Limited parking will be available on-site to promote live-work opportunities and encourage use of the transit station. Other US 36 Examples: The Village at Walnut Creek Proposed 7.5-acre transit village would be a medium to high density development with a mix of residential, open space and commercial space. Limited parking will be available on-site to promote live-work opportunities and encourage the use of the transit station. N
20 Long Term Focus – East Corridor Opportunities with on-going EIS Corridors Stapleton Planned to include 12,000 residential units. Over 400,000 square feet of office space. Nearly 1 million square feet of retail space. 40 th & 40 th In 2003 the City & County of Denver completed the River North Plan calling for TOD at this site. Gateway EIS team is currently working with local developers, Denver and Aurora to identify optimal alignments and station locations to maximize ridership and TOD potential. Stapleton Planned to include 12,000 residential units. Over 400,000 square feet of office space. Nearly 1 million square feet of retail space. 40 th & 40 th In 2003 the City & County of Denver completed the River North Plan calling for TOD at this site. Gateway EIS team is currently working with local developers, Denver and Aurora to identify optimal alignments and station locations to maximize ridership and TOD potential. N