Factors Affecting Performance
Sites of Fatigue Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue –Neural factors –Mechanical factors –Energetics of contraction
Central Fatigue Reduction in motor units activated Reduction in motor unit firing frequency Central nervous system arousal can alter the state of fatigue –By facilitating motor unit recruitment
Peripheral Fatigue: Neural Factors Neuromuscular junction –Not a site for fatigue Sarcolemma and transverse tubules –Ability of muscle membrane to conduct and action potential Repeated stimulation of sarcolemma can reduce size and frequency of action potentials –An action potential block in the T-tubules Reduction in Ca ++ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Peripheral Fatigue: Mechanical Factors Reduction in force per cross bridge Reduction of force generated at a given Ca ++ concentration –H + interference with Ca ++ binding to troponin Inhibition of Ca ++ release from SR Lack of ATP to dissociate the cross-bridge from actin
Peripheral Fatigue: Energetics of Contraction Mismatch between rate of ATP production and utilization –Fatigue results in slowing of ATP utilization to preserve homeostasis Muscle fiber recruitment in increasing intensities of exercise –Type I Type IIa Type IIb –Progression from most to least oxidative fiber type Results in increased lactate production
Pattern of Muscle Fiber Recruitment
< 10 seconds Dependent of recruitment of Type II muscle fibers –Generate great forces that are needed Motivation, skill, and arousal Primary energy source –Anaerobic Phosphocreatine Ultra Short-Term Performance
Short-Term Performance seconds Shift from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism –70% energy supplied anaerobically at 10s –60% supplied aerobically at 180s Primary energy source –Anaerobic glycolysis
Short-Term Performance
Moderate-Length Performance 3-20 minutes Increasing reliance on aerobic energy production –60% ATP generated aerobically at 3 min –90% ATP supplied aerobically at 20 min Requires energy expenditure near VO 2max –Type II fibers recruited –High levels of lactate Factors that interfere with O 2 delivery are limiting –Altitude, anemia
Moderate-Length Performance
Intermediate-Length Performance minutes Predominantly aerobic Usually conducted at less than 90% VO 2max Environmental factors are important –Heat –Humidity –State of hydration
Intermediate-Length Performance
Long-Term Performance 1-4 hours Environmental factors important –Ability to deal with heat and humidity Muscle and liver glycogen –Maintain rate of carbohydrate utilization Diet and fluid ingestion influence performance
Long-Term Performance