Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School1 Learning Masters English Learning English Learning Free Time Activities Tips For Being A Good Leaner
Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School2 English Learning
Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School3 English Learning: Thought Questions Do you like to learn English? Is listening to English songs difficult to you? What is English learning like? Why do you learn English? How do you learn English? How do your classmates learn English well? How many hours a day does he/she study English? How does he/she learn English before class, in class, and after class? What are the best ways to learn English?
Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School4 English Learning: Word List go to a cram school go to see movies Learn through the Internet browse the English websites use English CD Roms listen to let’s talk in English listen to English songs practice with the tapes/CDs read English novels/comic books find out a word in a dictionary preview review practice concentrate word sentence dictionary
Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School5 Study Tips for Learning English: If you want to learn English well, what do you have to do? Before class In class After class/ Out of class
Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School6 English Learning: Activities Discuss the topic ‘How do we learn English on the Internet?’ at AJDS with your group members through your own chat room. And then locate at least 至少 two websites and try to introduce how you and your partners use them to learn English. Please upload your assignment as soon as possible. Yam Kimo Yahoo Fill out the questionnaire at AJDS. Then try to analyze ( 分析 ) the answers on your own. Bonus: Post your article on ‘What is English learning like?’ on the discussion board 主題討論版.
Badi Chen, St. Paul's High School7 English Learning: References English Learning Websites 教材資源中心 中華民國教材研究發展學會資訊網 中華民國教材研究發展學會資訊網 未來教室 未來教室 國中英語 Joy Childrens Language School: Let’s Talk in English Let’s Talk in English 海闊天空 [ 遨遊教育網 ]