Computational Geometry Algorithms Library Source: CGAL web page
Source: CGAL web page
* as of 2004
Source: CGAL web page
2D Convex Hull Source: CGAL web page
2D Polygon Partitioning Source: CGAL web page Partitions polygons into convex pieces.
Delaunay Triangulations Source: CGAL web page
2D Boolean Operations Source: CGAL web page “A Nef-polyhedron in dimension d is a point set generated from a finite number of open halfspaces by set complement and set intersection operations.” [Nef78]
2D Arrangements Source: CGAL web page
Spatial Searching Source: CGAL web page
Geometric Optimization Source: CGAL web page Finds either maximum area or maximum perimeter convex k- gon whose vertices are vertices of convex hull of point set.
Geometric Optimization (continued) Source: CGAL web page
Geometric Optimization (continued) Source: CGAL web page
Robustness Source: CGAL web page
CGAL Basics C++ Can work with LEDA 3 Main Parts: –Kernel Geometric primitive objects & operations on them –Unmodifiable –Dual object representation »Stand-alone classes parameterized by representation class »Members of kernel class Basic data structures & algorithms –Parameterized by traits classes »Define interface with primitives Non-geometric support facilities Source: CGAL web page
Programming Details Preface CGAL names with CGAL:: #include CGAL/basic.h first in program –Or another CGAL header file that includes it Source: CGAL web page
Programming Example Source: CGAL web page
Simple Nongraphical CGAL Example