Ch0:1 Tseng:WirelessNet Chapter 0: Overview Wireless Network Architecture & Potential Research Directions Yu-Chee Tseng Dept of Computer Science National Chiao-Tung University
Ch0:2 Tseng:WirelessNet
Ch0:3 Tseng:WirelessNet Wireless Network Models With Infrastructure: Without Infrastructure (ad hoc networks):
Ch0:4 Tseng:WirelessNet Cellular: Infrared:
Ch0:5 Tseng:WirelessNet As relaying link Packet Radio Network
Ch0:6 Tseng:WirelessNet 無線隨意網路 ( Multi-hop Ad Hoc Network )
Ch0:7 Tseng:WirelessNet 感測網路( Sensor Network )
Ch0:8 Tseng:WirelessNet Nokia Rooftop Product
Ch0:9 Tseng:WirelessNet
Ch0:10 Tseng:WirelessNet
Ch0:11 Tseng:WirelessNet Bluetooth Technology bluetooth headset bluetooth dongle bluetooth MP3 watch bluetooth remote car control
Ch0:12 Tseng:WirelessNet Research Directions: Mobile Computing, Communications, and MEMS Technologies
Ch0:13 Tseng:WirelessNet Three Directions Together Wireless Communication Technology Portable Computer Technology appearance of light-weight computing devices MEMS Technology 微機電系統 (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems , MEMS) ,其定義為 一個智慧型微小化的系統,包含感測、處理或致動的功能,包含兩 個或多個電子、機械、光學、化學、生物、磁學或其他性質整合到 一個單一或多晶片上。其應用領域極為廣泛,包括製造業、自動化、 資訊與通訊、航太工業、交通運輸、土木營建、環境保護、農林漁 牧等。 Vision: Ubiquitous/ Nomadic Computing, communication, and control computers everywhere; information anywhere anytime control
Ch0:14 Tseng:WirelessNet Features of Wireless Communication one global bandwidth shared by all users fortunately channels, such as (frequency, time-slot) pairs, can be reused Radio-based low bandwidth high latency radio communication links higher bit error rate (BER) fading short-term multipath fading (Rayleigh effect) due to same signal taking different paths and arriving at the receiver shifted in phase long-term fading (radio shadow) topology of the terrain (like mountains) can cause signal dropouts
Ch0:15 Tseng:WirelessNet Features of Portable Computers Limited resources: limited energy (battery life) limited CPU speed limited memory limited display Mobile Applications/Services Pico-service: local parking lot availability, layout of a building Micro-service: train and bus station information Macro-service: weather information, news service, stock market information Real-time multimedia applications tele-medicine collaborative working environment
Ch0:16 Tseng:WirelessNet Features of MEMS MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) are the integration of electrical devices and mechanical structures at the micrometer (10 -6 m = m) scale. The essence of MEMS is their ability to perform and enhance tasks, in ways and in the micro world, impossible using conventional technologies. digital propulsion Microthruster optical switch segway
Ch0:17 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Hardware Aspects power saving display, LCD low-voltage CPUs Example: AT&T's Hobbit chip: 5,000 times less power consumption in doze mode than active mode radio: an example of IEEE power consumption transmit: 1400 mW receive: 1000 mW idle: 830 mW sleep: 130 mW “transmitting 1 bit is equal to executing > 1000 instructions
Ch0:18 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Software Aspects mobile communication protocols WAP wireless TCP Mobile IP MAC protocols Energy-efficient protocol related to the above send/receive/idle/sleep model Mobile Operating Systems: Windows Mobile, Android, etc.
Ch0:19 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Application Aspects Compute, communicate, and micro-control Context-aware computing context includes user's location environment (e.g., noise level, communication b/w, communication cost etc.) social situation (e.g., with boss, with co-worker etc.) context-aware applications context-sensitive information access (e.g. where are the bookstores in the vicinity) context-sensitive commands: in active badge system command format: Ex: Coffee Kitchen arriving “play -v 50 ~/sound/”