Color Image Analysis Chaur-Chin Chen Institute of Information Systems and Applications Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University Tel:
Color Image Processing Three Primary Signals: Red, Green, Blue Representation of (R,G,B) Color Images A Palette of 256 colors from HP Hex Triplet Color Chart RGB and HSI Conversion RGB and YIQ Conversion
Color Images and Their Histograms
Koala and Its RGB Components
(R,G,B) Histograms of Koala
(R,G,B) Histograms of Starfruits
(R,G,B) Histograms of Greentrees
From JPEG to RGB m=512; n=512; npixel=m*n; I=imread('koala512.jpg'); % m * n * 3 = (R,G,B) R=I(:,:,1); G=I(:,:,2); B=I(:,:,3); hR=zeros(256); hG=zeros(256); hB=zeros(256); for i=1:256 for j=1:256 r=1+R(i,j); g=1+G(i,j); b=1+B(i,j); hR(r)=hR(r)+1; hG(g)=hG(g)+1; hB(b)=hB(b)+1; end for k=1:256 hR(k)=100.0*(hR(k)/npixel); hG(k)=100.0*(hG(k)/npixel); hB(k)=100.0*(hB(k)/npixel); end subplot(2,2,1) imshow(R) subplot(2,2,2) imshow(G) subplot(2,2,3) imshow(B) L=0:255; subplot(2,2,4) plot(L,hR,'r-',L,hG,'g-',L,hB,'b-') title('RGB Histograms of 512 \times 512 Koala512') xlabel('Intensity Levels') ylabel('Percentage %')
RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart Red = FF0000 Green = 00FF00 Blue = 0000FF Cyan = 00FFFF Magenta= FF00FF Yellow = FFFF00
Hue, Saturation, Intensity (HSI) Hue is a color attribute that describes a pure color, e.g., pure orange, pure green, pure cyan, whereas Saturation is a measure of the degree to which a pure color is diluted by a white light. Brightness (Intensity) is a subjective description that is practically impossible to measure. HSI is an ideal tool for developing image processing algorithms based on color description that are natural intuitive to humans.
RGB ←→ HSI I = (R+G+B)/3 S=1-3*min{R,G,B}/(R+G+B) =1-min{R,G,B}/I H=θ if B ≤ G, = 2π- θ if B >G, where Θ=cos -1 {0.5[(R-G)+(R-B)]/[(R-G) 2 +(R-B)(G-B)] 1/2 } B=I*(1-S) R=I*{1+S*cos(H)/cos[(π/3)-H]} G=1-(R+B)
RGB ←→ YIQ Convert (R,G,B) signals into uncorrelated (Y,I,Q) components for further processing and analysis, for example, compression Y=0.299R G B I =0.596R G B Q=0.212R – 0.523G B