VME readout fro TOF MICE Tracker Meeting 30 March Paul Soler, Kenny Walaron University of Glasgow and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
2 MICE UK Meeting 3 March 2004 Particle ID in beamline o Our motivation: we are building a PID hodoscope for the MICE beamline PMTs XP2020 or EMI 9954 Segmented BC-404 o The readout for the PMTs needs to be performed using TDC and ADCs on a VME crate to improve DAQ speed. o We also need DAQ at RAL to perform beam tests to validate the MICE beamline
3 MICE UK Meeting 3 March 2004 Equipment for beam test FAN IN/OUT Q-ADC TDC GATE TDC GATE Q-ADC HIGH VOLTAGE PMT1 PMT2 X x VME CRATE L
4 MICE UK Meeting 3 March 2004 VME modules needed o We propose to use VME based TDC and ADC for the TOF of the tracker test beam at KEK that can also be used later on for the PID hodoscopes at RAL. o Need to acquire: –Charge integrating ADC for VME. For example LeCroy 1182 (8 channels per module, 50 fC/count, 12 bits, 16 event buffer, fast clear 650 ns, 5 Megawords/s, 16 s conversion time) but other models available (e.g. CAEN) –TDC for VME: need to define model o We already have a (half) VME crate o We could benefit from the test beam DAQ (unidaq) for future RAL beamline PID test o Question: what model ADC and TDC do you currently use?