Servo-Controlled Blood Vessel Occluder Ahmed El-Gawish, Alan Chen, Hugo Loo, & Imad Mohammad Advisor: Ki Chon
Motivation Renal autoregulation keeps blood pressure stable in the renal system MYO and TFG mediate renal autoregulation Measure effect of drugs and hypertension on MYO and TGF in mediation of renal autoregulation
The Device Manual occluders exist, but... they must be controlled by hand! It will consist of sensors, an occluder, and the controller The controller allows you to automate the process, giving a fast reaction time
The Device (cont’d) Sensors detect the blood pressure in the femoral artery Motor controls occluder to increase or decrease blood flow by controlling flow of medium through occluder Controller determines amount of air to inject and when to release it based on settings provided by the user
Occluder Deflated Inflated The ring is injected with air, water or saline to constrict the inside lumen.
Proportional Integral Differential Controller temperature, motion, flow controllers available in analog and digital forms It helps get your output (velocity, temperature, position) where you want it.
Quality Function Diagram
Quality Function Diagram (cont’d)