Medical Education Strategic Plan Outcomes Educational Outcomes Catalyzed by the Goldman Fund
Technology Based Learning and Teaching PastOngoingNew Hi-Learn Platform Videoconfer. Power point Role playing/OS CE Simulations, including skills IVIMEDSE(M)-learning
Faculty Development in Education NewOngoingPastSite M.A. Medical Hu Orientation Workshop In- House Teacher Evaluation Question Writing Resident as Teacher Designing OSCEs Fellowship Med. Educ. 1.Faculty training 2. IVIMEDS platform Extramural
Research in Medical Education PastOngoingNew Global Hlth Edu + XCult Compet Bellagio Conference EthicsNew Chair: ongoing resear. Innovation Standardized Patients
Curriculum Development PastOngoingNew Global Hlth Educ. + MSIH GHE and Goldman Medical School Natural History Disease Renew Natural History Disease EthicsRenew Ethics Professionalism Humanities