Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety
I. High Culture: Christian Elites
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome
St. Augustine (d. 430)
St. Jerome ( ) in his Study (Antonello da Messinas, )
Jerome in the Desert
Jerome in his Study ( Albrecht Durer engraving, 1514)
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints A. Contrast with Paganism
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints A. Contrast with Paganism B. Its Rise
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints A. Contrast with Paganism B. Its Rise C. Elements: Tombs, Relics, & Pilgrimage
Martin will do you no good, whom the earth now rests, turning him to earth... A dead man can give no healing to the living. - local Jewish doctor
Martin will do you no good, whom the earth now rests, turning him to earth... A dead man can give no healing to the living. - local Jewish doctor Here lies Martin the bishop, of holy memory, whose soul is in the hand of God; but he is fully here, present and made plain in miracles of every kind. - inscription on St. Martin’s tomb
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints A. Contrast with Paganism B. Its Rise C. Elements: Tombs, Relics, & Pilgrimage D. Leadership & Control of Western Bishops
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints A. Contrast with Paganism B. Its Rise C. Elements: Tombs, Relics, & Pilgrimage D. Leadership & Control of Western Bishops E. Pagan Reaction to the Cult of the Saints
You keep adding many corpses newly dead to the corpse of long ago. You have filled the whole world w/tombs & sepulchres. - Emperor Julian, Against the Galileans
Elite Christian Culture and Popular Piety I. High Culture: Christian Elites A. Slow Christianization of Upper Classes B. Intellectual Pursuits 1. Copying & Translation 2. Original Scholarly Works: Augustine & Jerome II. Popular Christian Piety: Cult of the Saints A. Contrast with Paganism B. Its Rise C. Elements: Tombs, Relics, & Pilgrimage D. Leadership & Control of Western Bishops E. Pagan Reaction to the Cult of the Saints