Format 1, Subtitles are Also Initial Cap Titles are Initial Cap, Sample Title Page with Photograph Instructions: - Duplicate this page for section dividers or title pages that include a photo - To replace this photo, just insert your photo - Size it to match the height and placement of this one - Order your photo to background (draw-order) and delete the old photo - There is a mask on the right half of screen to block that section of the photo (please be careful not to move the mask). -This title page can also be used without a photograph -Remember to delete this text box
Bullet text slide sample Text is sentence cap – the first letter of the bullet point is capitalized, then only proper nouns are capped Periods are only used if a complete sentence Titles are Initial Cap
Text Slide with a Photograph A photo can go on either side of the text, or in the middle of the page (no text) Do not cover the logo
Photos and Animations Please use photos as desired, “a picture saves a thousand words.” Placement and size of photos and art depends on the amount of text on the page, and which is more important the words or the message from the photo. If you want to add animation “less is better” it should only be used to highlight an important idea. If everything is animated then nothing captures the attention. Use your own judgment – you know your audience – just keep this idea in mind.