WH bb and WH uu Studies Monica Dunford FTK Monthly Meeting March 13 th, 2007
2 Summary of Samples FTK WHbb and WHuu samples –Using six layers (3 pixel, 1 st, 2 nd and 4 th SCT layer) –Using seven layers (3 pixel, 4 SCT) All iPat reconstruction done using version iPat reconstruction without TRT WHbb ~47,000 events WHuu ~35,000 events
3 Summary of Cuts For all samples, the following are applied –-1.0 < Cot( ) < 1.0 –-0.3 < curvature(GeV -1 ) < 0.3 –No cuts on truth track association Note: See supplementary material for additional plots
4 Number of Tracks FTK with version 12 training still reconstructs too few tracks
5 Impact Parameter Distribution Disabling the TRT has little effect on iPat’s impact parameter distribution WHbb WHuu
6 iPat Fake Rates Disabling the TRT has small effect on the iPat fake rate as well
7 Results With Seven Layers Using seven layers has noticeable improvement in FTK impact parameter
8 A Previous Problem Using six layers, impact parameter distribution looked the same for different P t ranges FTKiPat
9 Using Seven Layers The impact parameter vs Pt distribution is like expected FTKiPat
10 FTK Impact Parameter bb/uu separation looks improved, although strange shape in seven layer uu distribution
11 Impact Parameter Resolution Adding 7th layer shows definite improvement in resolution
12 FTK Fake Rates Fake rates the same for six and seven layer FTK versions
13 Conclusions Disabling the TRT has little effect on iPat impact parameter distribution Using seven layers in FTK results in great improvement of the impact parameter distribution Seven layers in FTK also fixes the impact parameter vs. P t effect seen with the six layer version