Syngnathidae Seahorses, Sea Dragons & Pipefish by Christy Cusick
Seahorse Distribution
35 known species of seahorse 35 known species of seahorse Size ranges from Size ranges from 1/4”-14” 1/4”-14” Lifespan 3-7 years Lifespan 3-7 years Live in seagrass beds and mangrove roots Live in seagrass beds and mangrove roots Feed on plankton Feed on plankton Ambush predators Ambush predators 360 brine shrimp/ hour 360 brine shrimp/ hour
Seahorse Anatomy Coronet – human fingerprint Coronet – human fingerprint Dorsal fin – propulsion Dorsal fin – propulsion Pectoral fins – steering Pectoral fins – steering Eyes – move independently Eyes – move independently Hinged interlocking bony plates Hinged interlocking bony plates Gills – behind the head Gills – behind the head Swim bladder Swim bladder
Seahorse Reproduction Monogamous Monogamous Extensive courtship ritual Extensive courtship ritual Female releases eggs into male brood pouch Female releases eggs into male brood pouch Male fertilizes eggs Male fertilizes eggs Pregnant 2-8 weeks Pregnant 2-8 weeks Male gives birth Male gives birth Why sex-role reversal? Why sex-role reversal?
Seahorse Conservation Lack of data Lack of data 20 million/year 20 million/year 25-70% decline over last 5-10 years 25-70% decline over last 5-10 years Habitat destruction Habitat destruction Hippocampus capensis Knysna Seahorse
Souvenirs, trawling by-catch, aquarium trade Souvenirs, trawling by-catch, aquarium trade Asian markets consume 16 million annually Asian markets consume 16 million annually Cure for impotency, lowers cholesterol, delicacy in cooking Cure for impotency, lowers cholesterol, delicacy in cooking
Leafy Seadragon Endemic to Southern coast of Australia Endemic to Southern coast of Australia Coastal kelp forests Coastal kelp forests 1 dorsal fin 1 dorsal fin 2 pectoral fins 2 pectoral fins Leafy appendages Leafy appendages
Phycodurus eques
Body covered with jointed bony plates Body covered with jointed bony plates 14”- 20” in length 14”- 20” in length Lifespan 5-7 years Lifespan 5-7 years Feed on plankton – preferably sea lice Feed on plankton – preferably sea lice
Can change color to match environment Can change color to match environment Always return to the same spot Always return to the same spot Easy for poachers to find Easy for poachers to find No “natural” predators No “natural” predators
Leafy Seadragon Reproduction Female lays eggs under tail of male Female lays eggs under tail of male Brood patch eggs Brood patch eggs Males carry from 4-6 weeks Males carry from 4-6 weeks
No parental care after No parental care after birth birth Hatchlings being to feed 3 days after birth Hatchlings being to feed 3 days after birth
Weedy Seadragon Endemic to the Australian coast Endemic to the Australian coast Lifespan 7-10 years Lifespan 7-10 years Up to 18” in length Up to 18” in length Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
Males carryMales carry eggs eggs
Seadragon Conservation Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Aquarium in Western Australia is one of only three aquaria in the world to have legally and successfully kept leafy sea-dragons on display Aquarium in Western Australia is one of only three aquaria in the world to have legally and successfully kept leafy sea-dragons on display
U.S. imports over 200,000 seahorses every year U.S. imports over 200,000 seahorses every year By-catch kills millions of species every year By-catch kills millions of species every year Conservation programs in Asia Conservation programs in Asia Conservation
Questions to think about What makes them so susceptible to over fishing? What makes them so susceptible to over fishing? Low reproductive rate Low reproductive rate Low success rate of hatchlings Low success rate of hatchlings Easy to catch Easy to catch High demand High demand What are the benefits of sex-role reversal? What are the benefits of sex-role reversal? Females can devote more of their energy to producing expensive eggs. Females can devote more of their energy to producing expensive eggs.