Governance Changes Presenter: Darrin Polhemus Governance Changes Presenter: Darrin Polhemus 1
2 Second Recommendation First If you are going to really make a change, this is where it really happens!
3 One State Board, nine Regional Boards, and 12 offices – this is a highly distributed structure. Regional Boards are semi- autonomous Top down structure does not work The Water Boards
4 A Management Problem Problems with CIWQS was as much a management problem as anything else Implementation – all Executive Officers opposed system release, saying to ready yet. Buy-in – program units not able to use to manage business
5 Panel Recommended Restructure CIWQS project management A CIWQS lead has been identified and empowered within a month of this report The new project structure is fully operational, with CIWQS team members identified and assigned project responsibilities
6 Water Quality Data Team Reassigned Deputy Director to be Team lead Business/Program management of CIWQS Formed a project Team Combination of program and IT staff Given formal role in Governance structure Each team member given specific assignments and responsibilities Role is to guide and assist business areas
7 Project Management Contract management given to business units In charge of schedules Prioritizing decisions based on business needs Incorporate input from User Groups
8 Project Management Moving Ahead Recruiting for permanent leader Making Team a permanent group Shifting some staff to have dedicated role in group Combining program staff and IT staff together Emphasizing the collection, management, and dissemination of water quality data and information
9 Need More Than a Team Have to tie this into the overall business/program management If CIWQS is a tool for the business staff, then they need to use it. External users have a big role too Our biggest data flows come from them. If they are going to be users, have to have input as well.
10 A Management Problem Where do the managers get involved? Part 1, Act 1
11 Classic three level management: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational But how does this apply to Water Boards? New Approach
12 New Approach Strategic Management Coordinating Committee (MCC) (all Executive Officers and Deputy Directors) Tactical Normally would be middle managers Instead using a subgroup of executive leadership Operational Managed by programs at business level
14 Outside Looking In Where do the external users get involved? Part 1, Act 2
15 Steering Committee Was a big component of the Panel’s recommendations (8/22 bench marks) – we heard that! Panel envisioned as single overall steering committee CIWQS has different areas for different users CIWQS bigger than most people realize Some areas needed detail work by the people that use that area Most users only use one area and not as interested in the others
16 User Groups and Steering Committee Adopted two-tiered approach User Groups eSMR – wastewater treatment plant dischargers SSO – sanitary sewer operators Storm Water – industrial and construction permitees Public Reports – broad interest Internal – Water Board’s staff Steering Committee Two members from each User Group
17 User Groups and Steering Committee User Groups work directly with business units Deal with the details that make a system work Provide direct input to projects Help prioritize effort Steering Committee has advisory role directly to Executive Management (MMC) Finds and deals with cross-linking issues Provides overall guidance
18 Governing More Than CIWQS This is going to take more than a team, and is more than one system…
19 Its Not All CIWQS Water Board has several large systems or families of systems serving different business needs Each area needs its own unique governance, but can follow the same structure as CIWQS
21 Systems Working Together Water Board adopting Portfolio Management in new Agency Information Management Strategy This will require more coordination between business groups and systems
22 Summary Formed Project Team Leading to restructuring Formed User Groups and Steering Committee Put most of them to work right away Took governance beyond just CIWQS
23 Questions?