Project 3: Portfolio Megan Tedor 12/9/08
Goals and Objectives Project Goal: To create a portfolio that can be viewed by potential employers in the Gaming Industry. I want the site to have an innovative design and look like it was done by someone who knows a lot more about web design than I actually do. It must also show that I am a creative, capable person. Objectives: 1. Create a visually interesting layout. 2. Set up the navigation. 3. Figure out how to use lightbox. 4. Set up the best design possible based on usability testing. Proposal Problem: I want an interesting and interactive portfolio website that shows my artwork to potential employers in the Gaming Industry or in Graphic Design. Prediction: The right way to achieve this is to improve upon my Project 2 Website by making it more interesting, easily navigable, and visually appealing. Instead of having everything floating around a white screen like the current design, I would like everything to be more connected and professional looking. I would like to keep the same color scheme and overall look of my Project 2 site. I want my images to be displayed with the lightbox feature. Procedure: I will have to create more graphics for the link bar and small sub-headers. I will also have to create a background or layout that connects everything; it will probably be a gif or jpeg. Data: I need to know what employers and viewers will be looking for in the web design. I will also need to test usability. Conclusion: This website will be an important part of my resume. Viewers will be able to see a large collection of my Animation work, Graphic Design work, and Fine Arts work. I hope potential employers will be impressed with a good design, navigability, and solid content.
Documentation SCOPE Estimated Time: 20 hours Assets: PC, j-edit, Photoshop, Illustrator, Digital Camera Actual Time: 25 hours Assets: PC, j-edit, Photoshop, Illustrator, Digital Camera, Lightbox Files, MySpace (for uploading videos), (for fonts) LOOK AND FEEL This project's “look and feel” can be described as: Original, clean, bold, simple but still interesting. The “look and feel” supports the project's goal in the following specific ways: Original-Because I want my site to have an innovative design/layout. Clean-I want the site to be easy to navigate and show my work. Bold-I want the site to stand out to potential employers. Simple but still interesting-Keeps the site looking professional but not in an overly-corporate way. VISUAL SPECIFICS Color Palette: Color NameRGB NumberHexadecimal Number Red, R:229 G:5 B:5, #E50505 Black,R:0 G:0 B:0# White,R:255 G:255 B:255#FFFFFF GreyR:149 G:149 B:149# Typography: UsageFont NameFont Size Header (main graphic) UNDECAPPED-Vinyl 88pt Sub-Header (main graphic)Idiot70pt Navigation FontSocial Animal21pt Text in documentArial12pt
Documentation (continued) MEDIA SPECIFICS Images (jpegs and gifs), Video, Lightbox USABILITY / USER INTERFACE DESIGN
URL Description: Takes user to main page. To view other pages simply click on the menu tabs at the top and bottom of the screen. Instructions: For lightbox – Click on a thumbnail to enlarge the image. You can also hit the “previous” and “next” buttons to navigate through the gallery. (instructions included in the about page)
Credits Megan Tedor – Created of all artwork on sight and layout.