Protein analysis and proteomics II Monday, 30 January 2006 Introduction to Bioinformatics DA McClellan
Proteomics: High throughput protein analysis Proteomics is the study of the entire collection of proteins encoded by a genome “Proteome” refers to all the proteins in a cell and/or all the proteins in an organism Large-scale protein analysis 2D protein gels Yeast two-hybrid Rosetta Stone approach Pathways Page 247
Classical biochemical approach Identify an activity Develop a bioassay Perform a biochemical purification Strategies: size, charge, hydrophobicity Purify protein to homogeneity Clone cDNA, express recombinant protein Grow crystals, solve structure Page 247
Two-dimensional protein gels First dimension: Isoelectric focusing Separates proteins based on charge Second dimension: SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate – PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Separates proteins based on size Page 248
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