Sheryl Doering Meshke Final Project MBC University of St. Thomas Fall 2004
Research question Does dairy herd size relate to shareholder communication preferences?
Objectives 1)Understand and quantify shareholder communication preferences 2)Incorporate preferences to improve effectiveness of AMPI shareholder communication
Methodology Paper-based survey mailed June questions Sent to 863 primary shareholders
Results 40% response rate Results are statistically representative of AMPI member farms
Shareholder Profile Communication Preferences
Shareholder Profile: Gender 85% of respondents are male 15% percent are female
Shareholder Profile: Herd size Herds range from 4 to 2,000 cows 86% milk less than 100 cows The average herd size among that group is 49
Shareholder Profile: Age % < <
Shareholder Profile: Years of membership % < <30
Shareholder Profile: Elected representative 88% are not elected representatives 12% are elected representatives
Communication Preferences: Overall satisfaction with shareholder communication 91% are very or somewhat satisfied 9% are not very or not at all satisfied
Communication Preferences: Dairymen’s Digest magazine % Very Somewhat Not very Important Important Important
Communication Preferences: Manager’s Message newsletter % Very Somewhat Not very Important Important Important
Communication Preferences: AMPI Web site % Very Somewhat Not very Not Not Important Important Important Important Familiar
Communication Preferences: Web site satisfaction 71% are not familiar with site 29% have visited the site 24% are satisfied
Communication Preferences: Internet connection 57% don’t access the site 37% connect via modem 6% connect via DSL, satellite or wireless
Communication preference 72% prefer printed 6% prefer electronic 22% prefer other forms such as face-to-face
Research question Does dairy herd size relate to shareholder communication preferences?
Summary Members prefer printed shareholder communication Printed communication received a 90% satisfaction rating
Summary Gender, herd size and whether a shareholder is an elected representative are not indicators of communication preferences The exception is age, where members age 30 to 49 are most likely to use the Web site.
Sheryl Doering Meshke Final Project MBC University of St. Thomas Fall 2004