Overview Roles of Servers Hardware User Management Security
Starting Out Building a server is based on Roles Directory Server Backup Server Web Server Database Server Hybrid Ye Ole’ File and Print Server
Roles Define Hardware Why do Roles Define Hardware? Different roles require different gear If we had infinite funds, everything would be a high speed combination of a DB server and a Web Server But we don’t so how do we tackle each job? Through Hardware…..
Hardware: Storage Storage is THE most important aspect of a server More is defined by storage capacity than anything else. Gives you room to grow Tells you when you’ve grown too large SAN vs. Attached vs. Network Attached Storage RAID – In a few slides
Hardware: Processors While not as important as storage, still critical Single Core vs. Dual Core vs. Multi Processor Oh and Hyper threading 32bit vs. 64bit AMD vs. Intel Corporations still have the Buy IBM mentality AMD is making Inroads, and Price / Performance for AMD is second to none VIA – An interesting Foot Note
Hardware: Memory & Everything Else Memory ECC And Lots of it Network Bandwidth Redundancy Power Supplies Fans Reporting UPS Our Friend RAID
Hardware: RAID The ones that count RAID 0 – Mirroring RAID 1 – Stripping err… Striping RAID 5 – Striping with Parity RAID X+0 or 0+X Data Capacity of RAID, and where did my space go? Drobo
User Management Concept of Directory Services Active Directory RDC Demo and Walkthrough
Security Ugh… Start with where the server lives Who Needs to access it? Where do they need to access it from? Ports MSBSA – Microsoft’s Life Saver Demo
Your Home Server Storage Firewallin’ FTP / SFTP How to be 1337 – aka How do I hide my services SSH / SSL Tunneling – copSSH Infrastructure
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