Welcome to the Carman Collegiate Course Selection Evening Selection of Courses for: Grade 10, 11 & 12
Province of Manitoba Graduation Requirements Require 30 credits for graduation. (for students entering grade 9 in Sept or later) Credits required: Compulsory 17 Credits. Optional 13 Credits. Diplomas Offered: English Diploma Dual Diploma Dual Diploma requires a minimum of 8 credits in a selected Technology Field.
Educational Codes First character in number refers to grade: 1 is grade 9 2 is grade 10 3 is grade 11 4 is grade 12 Second character in number refers to credit value or nature of development: 0 is full credit course 5 is half credit course 1 is full credit course developed by school (SIC) ELA 20 F Letter following number is course type: F is Foundation G is General S is Specialized
Educational Codes Examples: ELA 20F – Grade 10 English Foundation course worth 1 credit (for all students). Relational Databases 35S- Grade 11 Computer Specific course worth.5 credits.
Checklists and Fact Sheets Link to this site located on our website at the bottom of the registration guide table of contents.
Grade 9 Compulsory Courses English Language Arts 10F Mathematics 10F Science 10F Social Studies 10F Physical Education/Health 10G Provincial Requirements
Grade 10 Compulsory Courses English Language Arts 20F Mathematics 20S Pre-Calculus Math Applied Math Consumer Math Geography 20G Science 20F Physical Education/Health 20G Provincial Requirements or Introduction to Applied and Pre- Calculus Math 20S or Essential Math 20S
Grade 11 Compulsory Courses English Language Arts 30S Mathematics 30S Pre-Calculus Math Applied Math Consumer Math or Essential Math History 30S PE / Health 30 Minimum of 5 credits at the Grade 11 level.
Grade 12 Compulsory Courses English Language Arts 40S Comprehensive Focus, or Transactional Focus Mathematics 40S Pre-Calculus Math, or Applied Math, or Consumer Math or Essential Math PE / Health 40 Minimum of 5 credits at the Grade 12 level. PE / Health 40 does not apply to University requirements.
Grade 12 English Language Arts Comprehensive Focus 40 CF Transactional Focus 40 TF Literary Focus 40 LF or Newspapers Magazines Business Letters Resumes Manuals Poetry Drama Novels Short Stories Technical TextsArtistic Texts50/50 Optional 2nd English Credit
Grade 10 – Grade 12 Mathematics P.C. Math 20S P.C. Math 30S P.C. Math 40S Appl. Math 20S Appl. Math 30S Appl. Math 40S Con. Math 20S Con. Math 30S Con. Math 40S
Grade 10 – Grade 12 Mathematics New model takes effect in progressive sequence. Math 10 – Grade 9 (2009 – 2010) Essential Math 20 Intro to Applied and Pre-Calc Math 20 ( ) Essential Math 30Applied Math 30Pre-Calculus Math 30 ( ) Essential Math 40Applied Math 40Pre-Calculus Math 40 ( )
Grade 10 – Grade 12 Mathematics Essential Mathematics This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, statistics and probability.
Grade 10 – Grade 12 Mathematics Applied Mathematics This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include financial mathematics, geometry, logical reasoning, measurement, number, relations and functions, statistics and probability.
Grade 10 – Grade 12 Mathematics Pre-Calculus Mathematics This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include algebra and number, measurement, permutations, combinations and binomial theorem, relations and functions, and trigonometry.
Recommended Credit Requirements Grade 9 – 10 credits achieved Grade 10 – min. 9 credits minimum Grade 11 – min. 8 credits minimum Grade 12 – min. 6 credits depending on work, sports, or course of study during the year. Vertical not included in grade 10 – 12 count.
IA / Home Ec Grade 10 Foods 20 Clothing, Housing, Design 20 Woodworking Technology 20 Power Mechanics 20 Grade 11 Foods 30 Clothing, Housing, Design 30 Construction Technology 40 (combined WW and Electronics) Grade 12 Foods 40 Family Studies 40 Applied Technology 40 (combined WW and Electronics) Students work on individualized design project.
Technology Education Integrating technology into classrooms - GPS/GIS - Soil and Water kits - Precision Ag Biotechnology - Agro-ecology - Lego Mindstorms (Robotics) - Wind Turbines Summer Camps – RRC - Animation Club - Girls in Gaming - Envirothon
Career Internship Community-based options and credits Subject specific mentorship Safe Workers training (SWOT) First Aid training Portfolio Building Senior Years Apprenticeship Option
Career Development Grade 7 – Health outcomes Grade 8 – The Real Game, Brandon Ag Days “Amazing Race” Grade 9 – Take our Kids to Work & SWOT, Portfolio Development Grade 10 – Career Symposium, Job Shadowing; Career Fair, Portfolio Development Grade 11 – SWOT; Internship; Career Fair, Post-Secondary Tours, Manitoba Public Post Cooperative Career Fair, Portfolio Development Grade 12 – Guidance; personal assistance, Portfolio Development, Manitoba Public Post Cooperative Career Fair
Career Path Management Exploration – TOKTW; job shadowing Learning about the world of work Planning for the future Career Cruising; Career Fairs Portfolio building Post-secondary connections Articulation / MOU
University of Manitoba Direct entry into the following faculties: Engineering – direct entry with 85% grade average over three required courses (PreCalc, Chem, Physics) with no mark below 60% Faculty of Management – direct entry with ELA, Pre-Calculus (recommended) or Applied Math, and a third 40S course. Fine Arts Music Agriculture Diploma or University 1 1) Manitoba high school graduation, with five full credits at the Grade 12 level (in addition to PE / Health 40). 2) Complete one of the following sets of requirements.
University of Manitoba Set A One credit of Grade 12 English (minimum grade of 60%), and A minimum average of 70% over three other Grade 12 credits Set B ( limited admission) One credit of Grade 12 English (minimum grade of 60%), and A minimum average of 63-69% over three other Grade 12 credits University 1:
Must graduate with Manitoba High School diploma. Must have 5 credits at the Grade 12 level (in addition to PE / Health 40), which include ELA and Mathematics in one of the combinations shown To enter Arts, Science, or Business/Economics English 40 – 1 credit Plus Mathematics 40S – 1 credit Must have an average of at least 65% on the best three 40S courses including both core English 40S and Mathematics 40S, plus one other 40S credit from a different subject area. University of Winnipeg- Entrance
University of Winnipeg To enter Education English credits Plus one Math 40 course: Applied Mathematics 40S Consumer Mathematics 40S or English 40 – 1 credit Plus Pre-Calculus 40S (1 credit)
University Information Law 40S is an approved course at U of W and not at U of M. Family Studies 40S – approved at both Universities. Consumer Mathematics 40S cannot be used to calculate Admission and Entrance Scholarship averages at U of W.
Brandon University Must graduate with Manitoba High School diploma. Your entrance is determined by your marks. Major programs are Education and Music, and Access.
Other Universities - Entrance Most other Universities want at least 6 approved 40S courses. U of Alberta - must have Pre Calc Math. World Issues 40S – is the only Social Science course that is recommended outside MB that we offer. Students must check pre-requirements for University of their choice (i.e. - U of Alberta Engineering - must have Calculus and Adv. Math).
Grade Courses Selection Selection will be done on-line. All students will receive a worksheet and instructions for doing their registration on-line. Students are asked to complete their on-line registration, print off a copy, have parents sign, and submit to the office by Friday, April 29, 2011.
Grade 11 notes Math Courses – should reflect your post secondary needs. Suggest that all students carry 2 math courses. Many University/College entrance scholarships are determined by your final Grade 11 marks. Grade 11 marks are used to determine entrance to Post- Secondary Institutes when applying in the student’s grade 12 year for the December registration deadline. Points to consider by Grade 11 students:
Grade 12 graduation note For Graduation you must have a minimum of: 5 – 30 level courses (4 compulsory + 1 elective), and 5 – 40 level courses (3 compulsory + 2 electives). PE 30S / 40S are not used for entrance requirements to university or for scholarships.
Course Selection Forms Please complete and turn into Kyla by Friday, April 29. Students can edit choices on-line until this date.