Pengenalan Riset dalam Sosiolinguistik Sumber: Wray, Trott and Bloomer (1998, Ch7, hal 88-98) ) Pertemuan 13 Matakuliah: G0362/Sociolingustics Tahun: 2007
Bina Nusantara Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menghubungkan teori, tujuan dan metode dalam suatu penelitian sosiolinguistik
Bina Nusantara Outline Materi Problem atau topik Pendekatan sosiolinguistik Contoh-contoh penelitian dalam sosiolinguistik
Bina Nusantara Problems/topics As we know, Sociolinguistics deals with the use of language in a community. So, a wealth of research topics are readily available in one’s own community. In particular, research on dialects and their maintenance, gender differences in the use of language, a feature in a variety (e.g. HRT, ‘eh?’ tags, particular vowels), ect.
Bina Nusantara How to find a topic Start with yourself –What interests you? –Write down the topics that are interesting –Read some books on the topic –Narrow them down to the ones you can do (there are reference books/journals on it, data would be readily available around you) –Read some more –Consult your mentor –Write your proposal
Bina Nusantara Types of Research in Sociolingusitics Microlinguistics ‘typically focus on very specific linguistic items and individual differences’ and ‘look for wide- ranging linguistic and/or social implications’ (Wardaugh 1992:17), e.g. HRT, specific vowels, singing and singin’ Macrolinguistics ‘examines large amounts of language data to draw broad conclusions about group relationships’ (ibid), e.g. bilingualism, multilingualism, language planning.
Bina Nusantara Approaches As sociolinguistics deals with variety in a language, it can be approached from different angles, including: –What the variation consists of –Which groups show it –In which situation it occurs –What analysis can be applied qualitative, quantitative and – as a bridge between the two-- social networks
Bina Nusantara Quantitative One of the key features of linguistic variables is they can be counted (quantified) For example, a group of speakers’ pronunciations of [t] in the word ‘better’ and ‘bottle’ can be scored according to whether or not they use RP [t], the non-standard glottal stop [?] or something in between. Labov’s works in Martha’s Vineyard and NY city used this approach. Also, Trudgill’s work on Norwich speech based on the same paradigm.
Bina Nusantara Social Networks The concepts of social networks, speech communities, social groups were borrowed from social science to explain differences/similarities in people’s speech by looking at their relationships within the group. Speakers usually consciously or unconsciously use language to signal their group identity, so the speech of a group may sound the same. Example: Milroy and Milroy’s work in Belfast’s suburbs (1978)
Bina Nusantara Qualitative This involves description and analysis, rather than counting of features. The emphasis is on exploring the types of strategy (the qualities) and in particular, why certain people employ that strategy in a certain context with particular people Often involves long period of observation on a small number of subjects Work on discourse, pragmatics, conversational analysis belongs to this type.
Bina Nusantara Conclusions Research in Sociolinguistics is divided into two: Micro and Macrolinguistics There are different approaches to sociolinguistic research Data analysis can use qualitative, quantitative and social networks