Review: color image in MATLAB x=imread(‘lily.tif’); x(:,:,1) is R component x(:,:,2) is G component x(:,:,3) is B component Exercise#1: Show the R, G, B component of x separately Apply color transform, rgb2hsv, show the H, S, V component
Gray to color transformations b=imread(‘blocks.tif’); imshow(b, colormap( jet(256) )); colorbar Exercise#2: Try any other 2 colormaps See help graph3d
Generate the RGB circles Exercise#3: generate the following
Color smoothing Ex#4: smooth the RGB_iris image by Smooth all R,G,B component Convert to HSV space, and smooth the V component Hint: w=fspecial(‘average’, 25); a=imfilter(I, w);
Color slicing Exercise#5: Get strawberry image