1 Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS CCS is various methods for capturing and permanently storing anthropogenic CO 2 that would otherwise contribute to global climate change. Global Carbon Cycle (Billion Metric Tons, Gt, Carbon)
2 Geological Sequestration (GS) Geological media suitable for storage of CO 2 in Michigan –depleted oil reservoirs (+/- CO 2 /EOR) and –deep, saline (brine-filled) reservoir formations ` ` CO 2 CRC
3 Michigan’s Deep GS Injection Zones As much as 16,000ft of bedrock sedimentary strata (below glacial drift) “Deep” Sandstone Injection and Confinement Zones “Shallow” Carbonate and Sandstone Injection and Confinement Zones “Intermediate“ Carbonate Reef Injection and Confinement Zones MI Storage Potential ~40Gt MI Emissions ~93Mt/yr }
4 Michigan Pilot Injection Test Project MRCSP is one of seven U.S. DOE/NETL RCSP’s. Eight-state region of IN, KY, MD, MI, NY, OH, PA, and WV. Phase I Launched, fall 2003; Phase II commenced October Michigan Basin site is one of three small scale CO 2 injection test sites.
5 Results of Pilot CO 2 Injection Test Initial ~20 days of CO 2 injection: >10,000 mt through 8.5 inch well casing Variable injection rates to pipeline Annualized injection rates: ~220,000 mt/yr (US CO 2 emission rate is 6 Giga MT/yr ) 220,000/6e9 = 3 parts in 1 million Data extrapolation suggest maximum injection rates: ,000 mt/year (so what this doesn’t really scale well) Analysis and interpretations of injection data by: Joel Sminchak, Battelle Memorial
6 “Deep” Sandstone Injection and Confinement Zones In Michigan
Application: Large(???) Stationary Point Source (~80Mw) 20 yr Active Injection; 280 year Recovery Model Parameters Injection Rate = 0.6 MMT/year for 20 yrs Recovery Period = 280 years Target Formation Interval: m Injection Interval: m Well Diameter: 8 5/8” casing Hydrostatic Gradient: 0.49 psi/ft Temperature: 50°C Brine: 300,000 ppm TDS Maximum Entrapped CO 2 Saturation = 0.2 Diana H Bacon Battelle Pacific Northwest
Non-technical Challenges to Implementation of Carbon Capture and Geological Storage for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Public understanding and acceptance Clear legal and regulatory framework to stimulate investor confidence Sufficient cost for GHG emissions (that exceed cost of CC&GS) through regulation –Regional, National, and International Cap and Trade Programs/Carbon Tax