Differentiated Supervision An Alternative to Traditional Evaluation of Teachers.


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Presentation transcript:

Differentiated Supervision An Alternative to Traditional Evaluation of Teachers

The Premises There are a lot of very good teachers in education. Teachers are the best determiners of their own professional development needs. Not all teachers need to be observed continuously. Collaboration and professionalism breed creativity and motivation.

The Dallas School District Model Based on Gettysburg Schools Model Developed by a team made up of: Teachers, including specials, union reps. Principals Central administrators Piloted in the first year using volunteers (approximately 1/3 of the staff opted to participate)

Four Modes Focused Assistance Clinical Supervision Peer Coaching Self-directed professional development.

Who Qualifies Focused Assistance All first year teachers (even transfers) All non-tenured teachers Teachers who are having difficulty

Who Qualifies Clinical Supervision Teachers not in focused assistance can choose this form of supervision All teachers must participate in this phase after three years in an alternate form of supervision

Who Qualifies Peer Coaching and Self-directed Teachers not in focused assistance can choose either of these options with the recommendation of the principal.

What is Peer Coaching? Teachers working as a team to collaborate around individual developmental goals in a non-threatening supervisory model.

What is the Process of Peer Coaching? Select a partner Goal setting Operationalize goals Develop data collection instrument Observations Data sharing Modify practice

What is Self-directed Professional Development? Veteran teachers identify personal goals and outline an educational plan to reach those goals.

What’s the Self-directed Process? Goal setting Plan development Plan implementation Self-evaluation

Goal Setting Based on: Personal Goals Building Goals Strategic Plan Goals Operationalized for self-evaluation Principal’s role

Training Required Goal setting Peer coaching techniques Reflection and self-evaluation Best Practices

Timelines and Forms

Peer Coaching Performance Task