EMCAL: project update - Italy - LNF - Frascati Fixture production Module assembly (proto) WLS fibers processing Lead procurement (proto) CT- Catania APD.


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Presentation transcript:

EMCAL: project update - Italy - LNF - Frascati Fixture production Module assembly (proto) WLS fibers processing Lead procurement (proto) CT- Catania APD characterization and test SM Crates production Federico Ronchetti INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

LNF status Module production – design fixed recently (25-26 june) Universal fixture production – Completed: Base, tool-plates, sleds, cylindrical rails – Ongoing: center-blocks, load cell plates, cross-beam Vacuum chamber for WLS fibers processing – Magnetron gun finally delivered and installed – Chamber closed – Out gassing chamber (10 -8 bar) WLS fiber polishing – First bundles ice-polished – Quality checks underway Lead procurement – Lead tiles for prototype delivered – Ongoing reshuffling (from by-measure to by-module packs)

LNF universal fixture Design by eng. Mario Del Franco

4 Design by Mario Del Franco Module front plate Is the governing dimension Fixture parts

Fixtures realization progress Picture not up-2-date: more components than shown have been machined

U. Fixture All components materials for missing parts are at hand Design for proto is module finalized (WSU EMCAL meeting last of June) Full fixture production (2xLNF) over by the end of July.

Compression Table

Fiber processing chamber

At present: out gassing phase

WLS fibers polishing APD / light guide coupled side Side to be aluminized

Fiber module insertion tools Modified WSU design by M. D. F.

Lead tiles metrological tests Tile thickness

Lead tiles metrological tests Hole diameter

Lead tiles metrological tests Inter-hole distance

Short term schedule LNFTIME Lead retoolingmid July Bond PaperReceived from WSU Fibers AluminizationAug 1st Test conical holes scintillator AL2024 plates + pins + bushing Aug 1 st (outsource?) Plastic fiber collarsReceived from WSU Washersordered Guiding rodsFrom WSU (next week) Black shroudFrom WSU (mid july) Fixture full assemblyAug 1st

CT work in progress Undergoing activity in CT: – EMCAL Super-Module Crate Prototype – Installation of universal module stacking fixture (delivered by LNF) Activity in CERN – Mechanical Integration of SM-crate – Load Tests

The crate prototype

Design – blueprints – materials – safety Realization – The SM- crate proto has been tested at 0° angle SM crate load CERN

Dummy strip modules

Additional testing phases

Mechanical work summary for 2007 Work in CT: – Installation of 1 universal stacking fixture and 1 compression table. – Procurement of ancillary equipment (load cells, amplifiers, etc) Work in CERN: – Load Test of the SM crate proto at 90° – Insertion test SM – Construction of the insertion plane Catania planning for (mechanical)

Catania activity electronics, offline  New lab space available for massive APD tests  Procured all the cards of the standard PHOS/EMCal electronic chain to be used for the APD test. This standard CERN set-up is almost ready (work is in progress on the software installation).  Draft for protocol for APD test established  First prototype for APD characterization as a function of the temperature is ready. Characterization of ALL 85 APD+CSP is done.  First version of track-matching ready and in CVS.

Alice-jet1 Catania First set-up for APD characterization LED flasher Box cointaing APD

Alice-jet1 Catania First prototype for APD characterization as a function of the temperature Standard –EMCal electronic chain Light from LED flasher Fluid from a chiller at a fixed temperaure

Alice-jet1 Catania

Barrel to EMCAL track matching Track matching efficiency and contamination for PHYTHIA minimum bias events First version of track-matching ready and in CVS. Presented to ACAT07 Aim: To clean the cluster sample for photon analysis (jets) adding PID information from EMCAL to high momentum charged tracks

Catania planning for 2008 (electronics, offline) APD procurement Test setup optimization start of massive APD testing Test beam data and cosmic ray data analysis Track-matching optimization and simulation studies on jet and electron showers.