The “Master” horizons O A E B C R organic horizon on the soil surface surface horizon high in organic matter, but composed of mineral soil – eluviation zone subsurf. horizon light in color due to leaching – eluviation zone subsurf horizon, from soil forming processes – illuviation zone least weathered (and deepest) of all the soil horizons – from R or transported in bedrock
Subscripts: Processes occurring in these Horizons O horizon Oi Oe Oa A horizon Ap Ab identifiable (recognizable) material Intermediate highly decomposed (almost all gone) plowed surface buried surface
More Subscripts B horizons t g k s h w o clay “gleying” (very wet) carbonates (dry regions) sesquioxides (iron, aluminum, red/yellow) “histic” humus (high organic content) cambic horizon A diagnostic subsurface horizon that has a texture of loamy very fine sand or finer, contains some weatherable minerals, and is characterized by the alteration or removal of mineral material. The cambic horizon lacks cementation or induration and has too few evidences of illuviation to meet the requirements of the argillic or spodic horizon. “cambic” – weakly altered by removal & chem rx, no illuviation “oxic” highly wx’d, tropical soils (Fe, Al oxides, red)
Last One (whew) and Rules C horizon r (weathered bedrock) k (carbonates) u (transported-in PM: unweathered) ox (transported-in PM: weathered (“oxidized”) Subscript Rules rarely use more than three t (almost) always first Examples: Btg, Cr, Bw, Ap, . . .
Types of Parent Material - Mode of transport Type of P.M. Mode of transport Degree of sorting by size Glacial till Alluvium Colluvium Loess Lacustrine Residuum Ice Low (all sizes) High (coarse dropped 1st) Stream/river Gravity Low Ice + wind High (silt only) Water (lakes) High None NA
Effect of Parent Material on Soil Formation – Transported PM Mixed alluvium A C Bw C 40cm Eolian sand
Effect of Parent Material on Soil Formation - Residuum Residual shale A AB C Bt1 Bt2 Granite 40cm A Bw C Shale deeper and more developed – shale = sedimentary, small particles – hi surf area illuviated clay B granite = high in quartz sand, porous, resistant
Influence of climate on soil pH High (basic) Low (acidic) Why? Base cations soluble Water = biomass (acids)
Influence of climate on Soil Organic Matter Hot= rapid losses Cold = low inputs
Influence of climate on Clay Formation So where find the soil with more clay, Alabama, or Nevada?
Influence of climate on Carbonate Layer Depth i.e., near surface