Service user involvement in curriculum review Dr Anna Jones Principal Lecturer/ CETL4HealthNE Fellow.


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Presentation transcript:

Service user involvement in curriculum review Dr Anna Jones Principal Lecturer/ CETL4HealthNE Fellow

Aims Review background to service user involvement in the curriculum at Northumbria Highlight links with CETL programme Outline proposed model of service user involvement in curriculum review

SHCES Service user and carer sub-committee 2002 School User/Carer Group 2006 Embedding good practice 2004 Sub- Committee formed 200? Disband sub- committee?

Terms of reference in terms of actions Produce involvement guidance Link with staff development Develop learning resources Link with Blackboard arena Illuminate pedagogical issues Disseminate best practice Identify resources/support needed Making in Happen project Service users and carers as partners in the curriculum Applauding Learning and Teaching Awards Innovations area of Blackboard School community Undergraduate healthcare curriculum review Staff development day workshops NET2006 conference learning (CETL4HealthNE)

People with Experience Work Stream Raise awareness of current local, regional and national strategies used to promote involvement Develop and promote resources to mainstream involvement Contribute to the impact evaluation of the involvement of people with experience

Identified service users and carers work with – Programme Groups: Nursing – Foundation, Adult Branch, Child Branch, Mental Health Branch, Learning Disability Branch Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy Operating Department Practitioner Task Groups: Inter-professional Learning; Clinical Skills Development; Educators, Mentors and Practice Teachers; Practice Placement Service User and Carer Involvement in Undergraduate Healthcare Curriculum Review Introductory event for curriculum review process Exit event to feed back and identify opportunities for future partnership Service User and Carer Sub-Committee as Reference Group AJ Draft 2 Sept 06 May 07 Intermediate events Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust Involving People Team

Introductory event: aims Get to know each other Think about where education fits in to the circle of involvement Find out about what a curriculum review means Explore what working together on the curriculum might mean Picture the healthcare worker of 2010

Introductory event: expertise MIND Carers’ Centre Patients’ Forum Breast Cancer UK Involved and Equal project Community Action on Health Tyneside Kidney Patients Group Newcastle Society for Blind People Patients’ Advice and Liaison Service Sensory Support Team ‘Shaping your Services’ project SHCE Studies Service User and Carer Sub-committee

Questions we need to be able to answer (Trent SHA, 2005) How much time will I need to commit? Will I need to travel? Will I get any help? Will I be on my own or be supported? What sort of things will I do? Will I get feedback from my involvement? Will my role be clear? Can I choose how to be involved? Will I be trained? Will I understand the language? Can I be involved even if I cannot get to meetings or groups? How will I be kept informed even if I do not come to meetings? Will I be reimbursed or paid? Will things change as a result of my involvement?

Demonstrate best practice and life long learning Respect the person and their expertise Be prepared for working alone in the community Work well with other professionals Healthcare graduate 2010

Where to find out more eLP Go to HCES Staff Learning Community Innovations  Users and Carer Practice Placements ulty/new_placements/academic/cr_home.htm