Modeling Institutional Constraints on Housing Behavior in China: Zhilin Liu School of Public Policy & Management Tsinghua University, Beijing, China December 2007 Conceptual and Methodological Challenges International Conference on China’s Urban Land and Housing in the 21st Century, Hong Kong
The Conceptual Challenge Actors – Institutions Giddens, The agency-structure problem The Institutional Turn in Social Sciences Institutions as “ the rules of the game in a society. ” (North,1990) Defining the opportunity sets of market players Preferences endogenously determined How to incorporate the institutional dimension into the study of housing behavior? The context of an emerging market economy
An New Institutional Framework Understanding individual behavior from an institutional perspective Individuals Preference and utility Institutions Rules of the game Figure 1 A simplified framework of new institutional economics on interactions of actors and institutions
Context: Housing Marketization Declining influence of public sector investment in residential development Figure 2 Completed investment in residential development and the share of investment by SOEs by year, Beijing, Source: Beijing Statistical Bureau, various years
Context: Housing Marketization Rising Homeownership 72%, 2000 National Census Improved housing condition SQ.M (National Statistical Bureau of China, 2006)
Macro VS Micro Approaches Housing Policy Policy review and evaluation Policy implementation process Housing Inequality: Low-income housing Housing Behavior Growing visibility of individual preferences Persistent influence of the welfare system Government role in affecting housing behavior
Current Debates State vs Market Housing Behavior Individual Preferences Purchasing Power Political Order (Political Capital) Work Units Welfare System Growing Individual Choices Persistent Welfare System Figure 3 A Market Transition Framework for Modeling Housing Behavior HUKOU
Institutional Transformation Market Transition Dismantling of the state socialist system Dismantling of the welfare system Market Emergence / Institutional Building Property rights; rules of market transaction; regulations and governance structure Normative shift State Role in Market Building Government actions in low-income housing Regulation
An Institutional Framework Institutional Constraints in an Emerging Housing Market: A Conceptual Framework Housing Behavior Individual Preferences (Socio-demographic) Political Capital Economic Capital Imperfect Market o Transaction costs o Information asymmetry o Limited supply Government Actions o Public housing programs o Planning o Land policy Regulatory Framework o Property Rights o Housing finance o Tax and fiscal policy
Proposals Housing Decisions and Transaction Costs Unclear property rights Information disadvantage of residents High uncertainty of transaction Continuous policy modifications Housing Affordability and Public Finance Government Housing Programs Low-income residents ’ mobility and residential satisfaction
Hidden Costs in Public Housing Programs Constraints on Low-income Residents Limited Supply Government dominating the decision of public housing programs