HSS 2K6 Home Security Surveillance Brian Hamilton Ibe Owunwanne Aaron Swerdlin
Presentation Outline Project Overview Design System Diagram User Interface Cost Estimates Division of Work/Deliverables Questions
Project Overview Monitoring a room via a camera and alarms Remote access to view the room
Design Seamless integration between the microcontroller and server User friendly interface when using the camera remotely High scalability, monitor multiple rooms
Floor Layout 3 magnetic contact sensors: 1 door, 2 windows Servo-motor mounted camera that will pan the room
Ceiling Mounting Plate
Camera Mounting Plate
System Diagram
Server to HC12 Protocol CommandSenderFunction “B”HC12Ready to begin “S” + 1 byteHC12Sensor Tripped “E”HC12Error “C”HC12Move Completed “M” + 1 byteServerMove “R”ServerReset
Client to Server Protocol CommandSenderFunction “S” + 1 byteServerSensor Tripped “K”ServerAck of move “A”ServerConnection accepted “C”ClientConnected to server “M” + 2 bytes + 1 byteClient Move x units in specified direction
Server/Client Diagram
User Interface User will remotely log in User can adjust the camera If a sensor is tripped, microcontroller will override the user
Cost Estimates ProductCostQuantityTotal Cost Camera Sensors Servomotor Server Demo Room Misc. Electronics Total Cost
Division of Work/Deliverables TaskEnd DateAssigned To Sensor Validation12/9/2005Ibe Camera Assembly12/16/2005Brian Web Site Design12/16/2005Ibe HC12 Code12/23/2005Brian Java Server12/23/2005Aaron Java Client12/30/2005Aaron Component Test: HC12 and Sensors1/13/2006Brian/Ibe Component Test: Java Server1/13/2006Aaron Component Test: Java Client1/13/2006Aaron Model Home1/20/2006Ibe System Test2/3/2006Aaron/Brian/Ibe Final Demo2/15/2006Aaron/Brian/Ibe