Abstract and keywords Sadeghi Ramin, MD Nuclear Medicine Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.


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Presentation transcript:

Abstract and keywords Sadeghi Ramin, MD Nuclear Medicine Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

Abstract Abstract is the part of your article which most of the readers have access to. Spend enough time to prepare it Most authors decide to prepare the fulltext of your article and cite it after reading the abstract

Abstract Structured Usually in 4 paragraphs (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion) Unstructured In one paragraph Refer to the information for authors section of the journal

Some tips No figure or table is used in abstract Usually the abstract should be less than 250 words Follow instructions of the journal You can always make the abstract shorter by cutting some words or combining sentences

Some tips Do not use abbreviations Abstract should not contradict the main manuscript

Key words 3-10 keywords should be given for each article Give keywords as much as you can This will ensure better indexing and increases the chance of citation Use MeSH of PubMed