Voltage divider HV - 2Kv supply HX Nozzle Turbo Pump TOF Tube Focus lens MCP Detector Oscilloscope Computer EXT Excimer Laser One Shot Cycle Input Output Dye Laser SHG Time Delay S Dye laser Control G-Valve External Pellin Broca prism SHG Control Box In Out +HV
REMPI-TOF: Mass spectrum of HCl, showing: H +, 35 Cl +,H 35 Cl +, 37 Cl +,H 37 Cl + For = nm LASER radiation
LASER Radiation wavenumbers LASER Radiation frequency TOF/ion mass Number of ions Mass spectra vs LASER radiation:
Ion formations vs LASER radiations cm cm -1 mass 3537
Ion formations vs LASER radiations mass intensity cm cm -1 1 REMPI- TOF (H + ) spectrum
..AND REMPI – Current spectrum: LASER wavenumbers (1/ (cm -1 )) Intensity
HCl REMPI-Current Spectrum /cm -1 Intensity