March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic ALQ155 AAG Conversion Clinic Team Members David Gedge Nate Decker William Sackett Spencer LittleAdvisors Dr. Priyank Kalla Thomas Dixon Special Thanks to Craig Gordon, Tim Price, and Ryan Yoshida
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic CAPRE Host Software Presented by Spencer Little 2 ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic CAPRE Host Software Common Aircraft Portable Reprogramming Equipment (CAPRE) Production Environment Production Environment Interacts with the Aircraft’s LRUs LRU (Line Replaceable Unit) 3
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic B-52 Bomber ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008 LRU 4
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Setup Laptop connects to the PIM ( Laptop connects to the PIM (Programmable Interface Module Assembly) PIM connects to PAM (Personality Adaptor Module) PIM connects to PAM (Personality Adaptor Module) PAM connects to the LRU PAM connects to the LRU ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008 LRU PAM PIM CAPRE Host 5
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Deliverables Hill Air Force Base Make the PIM 2.0 function as the PIM 1.1 Functional PIM 2.0 Compatible with previous PIM No/Minimal modifications of CAPRE Host Updated Bitmap and UCF for the FPGA Updated Firmware Working Load/Verify to ALQ155 6
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Changes to CAPRE Initial Changes USB Firmware size 8KB to 16KB FPGA Bitmap size 64KB to 512KB Check-in files Bitmap, Firmware, and DLL 7 ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Task at Hand ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008 Using the CAPRE Host software successfully complete the 4 main tests. Self-Test PAM-B Self-Test Cable Display Version Load/Verify 8
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Self-Test PAM-B Self-Test PAM-B; Simple loop back test. Loads bitmap onto FPGA. ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Self-Test Cable Simple loop back test. Loads bitmap onto FPGA. ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Display Version Loads bitmap onto the PIM’s FPGA. ▪ Bitmap is a pin net list. ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic FPGA ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008 Loading bitmap onto the FPGA Zoomed in GO UTES 12
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Working FPGA Confirmation FPGA loaded and working correctly REG “8000” and “8001” return ID CAPRE displays f20 13 ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008
March 2008 Screenshot ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Display Version Loads bitmap onto the PIM’s FPGA. ▪ Bitmap is a pin net list in VHDL code. Sends request to aircrafts LRU for its ID. LRU returns the value of the its specific ID. CAPRE displays the value. ▪ LRU 155 ID = 020A. ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Display Version ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Load/Verify Load/Verify Loads bitmap onto the PIM’s FPGA. ▪ Bitmap is a pin net list. Loads a dummy file and sends dummy file to the LRU. ▪ Dummy file is a simple text file. LRU returns a successful load if the dummy file was loaded correctly onto the LRU. ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic ALQ155 AAG Clinic 2008 Load/Verify 18
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Moving Forward Work out the last few bugs in the system. Bulk Transfers Bulk Transfers Source code for USB Source code for USB Modify source code for Modify source code for PAM Selft TestPAM Selft Test Cable Self TestCable Self Test ALQ155 AAG Clinic
March 2008 ALQ155 AAG Clinic Questions ALQ155 AAG Clinic