Science Leadership Support Network January 22, 2010 Supported by PIMSER and Kentucky Department of Education Please enjoy some refreshments and Networking Welcome!
Group Norms Stay on schedule; be on time Put cell phones on silent and computers closed Stay present, giving full attention Listen actively as others are speaking Be engaged—Be IN the work Avoid sidebar conversations Balance advocacy and inquiry Keep name tags visible Rule of 2 feet Any others?
Goals of SLSN Deepen understanding of a balanced assessment system and its role in motivating students to higher levels of achievement. Understand and incorporate skills and strategies for transforming planning and practice in order to ensure that all students understand key concepts from the Energy Transformations big idea. Develop and act on a personal vision of leadership for sustainable improvement in their school or district.
Where have we been? I have data. Now What? Ch. 2 Debrief HQTL: Assessment And Reflection
Today’s Roadmap Chapter 2 Clear Targets Chapters 3 and 4 Senate Bill 1 Talking Points NASA Heat & Temperature
Every Day in Every Classroom Take 1-2 minutes to review the article from November’s homework. Determine a “gist” statement for the article. Using the Parallel Partners sheet as a guide, talk to 4 different people sharing… –Your “gist” statement –The strategy you tried and the results
The Global Achievement Gap “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” –Mark Twain “The future ain’t what it used to be.” –Yogi Berra
The Global Achievement Gap Chapter 3: Testing 1, 2, 3 Final Word Dialogue Select 2-3 items from chapter 3 that you highlighted Person A (person who traveled the farthest) names one of their highlighted items with no comment. Round-robin, starting from Person A’s right, each participant comments on the item. Person A gets the final word. Pattern continues until each person has a turn. As a group, summarize the conversation and draw a conclusion. Be prepared to share with the whole group.
Chapter 4: Reinventing the Education Profession Scan chapter 4 and your reading guide. Write your 3 ideas/elements that need to be in the ‘education’ box to achieve the desired outcome on slips of paper. (Write each idea on a separate slip of paper.) Put each group member’s idea slips into your table’s ‘education box.’ Categorize and synthesize the ideas to distill them down to your group’s consensus for the most important 3 ideas/elements and be prepared to defend/support your ideas.
“In a 21 st -century world where jobs can be shipped wherever there’s an Internet connection, where a child in Dallas is now competing with a child in New Delhi, where your best job qualification is not what you do, but what you know – education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, it’s a prerequisite for success.” –Barack Obama, 2009
“We are the people we’ve been waiting for.” –Thomas Friedman, The World Is Flat
SB 1 Talking Points How to implement Senate Bill 1 mandates is basically Kentucky’s Race to the Top plan The RTTT App has been submitted; decision in April; plan at: /Administrative+Resources/Com missioner+of+Education/Race+to +the+Top/
Time to Reflect
High Quality Teaching and Learning Assessment and Reflection The teacher and student collaboratively gather information and reflect on learning through a systematic process that informs instruction.
What is the relationship? You have been given 20 cards with aspects of High Quality Teaching and Learning Working in GROUPS OF 3, arrange these cards in order to show the relationship among them. You can make: –A web –A concept map –A flow chart –Your choice Once satisfied, glue/tape cards to chart paper being sure to add/describe connectors.
Complete these statements Without clear targets, we can not _______! I used to think ______about learning targets, but now I know _______!
Clear Targets in Action As you view the video….
Let’s Self Reflect!
Clear Learning Targets Learning Goal –To deconstruct standards into learning targets –To learn how to use learning targets to develop an instructional plan
“Teachers who truly understand what they want their students to accomplish will almost surely be more instructionally successful than teachers whose understanding of hoped-for student accomplishments are murky.” - W. James Popham
Learning Targets Knowledge Reasoning Performance/ skills Products
QUESTION What is the difference between a STANDARD and a TARGET?
An Example STANDARD: To shoot free throws with 80% accuracy. TARGETS: –Proper placement for feet (stance) –Proper hand placement while maintaining stance –Shot A, B, C (3-parts to shot) ACTIVITIES: –Watch videos of great shooters and imitate their stance When should these be added and/or developed?
Deconstructing Standards
Are the Standards Clear? Can your content standards stand alone and be used as learning targets or do they need to be deconstructed or ‘unpacked’? Deconstruction involves taking a standard and breaking it down into manageable learning targets—Knowledge, Reasoning, Performance/skills, and/or Products—so that students and teachers can accurately identify what students should know and be able to do.
Deconstruction Models Find a partner at your table Look at the WEAK example –How would this help teachers? –What makes this example weak? –How would this impact student learning? Look at the STRONG example –Would this be beneficial to teachers? –What makes this example strong? In order to deconstruct effectively what skills/knowledge are needed?
Deconstructing Heat & Temperature Standards You have been assigned to a grade level group. Use your verb sheet to deconstruct the standards listed into K, R, S, and P targets. When group has reached consensus, create a chart for the group.
Tips for Deconstructing Don’t over analyze each statement Decide what must students know and be able to do in order to meet that particular standard Use your VERB sheet to help you determine where to put your targets. Be explicit in your statement so that if some one else used your deconstruction they would understand the target. Use the example of the strong model as a guide.
Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot. Robert J. Marzano
Time to Reflect
“Certainly one generalization [from the research] is that setting clear and specific goals for learning that are at just the right level of difficulty can greatly enhance student achievement.” –Robert Marzano, from Designing and Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives, pg. 12
Problems of Practice Top 3 Problems with Learning Targets 3. Are activities and not targets. 2. Are ambiguous or vague. 1. Are incongruent with the standard, activity, and/or assessment.
Target or Activity? 1.Students will successfully complete the exercises in the back of chapter 3. 2.Students will create a metaphor representing the food pyramid. 3.Students will be able to determine subject/verb agreement in a variety of simple, compound, and complete sentences. 4.Students will understand the defining characteristics of fables, fairy tales, and tall tales. 5.Students will investigate the relationship between speed of air flow and lift provided by an airplane wing.
Target or Activity? 1.Students will successfully complete the exercises in the back of chapter 3. 2.Students will create a metaphor representing the food pyramid. 3.Students will be able to determine subject/verb agreement in a variety of simple, compound, and complete sentences. 4.Students will understand the defining characteristics of fables, fairy tales, and tall tales. 5.Students will investigate the relationship between speed of air flow and lift provided by an airplane wing.
Two Types of Goals 1.Students will be able to _____________. 2.Students will understand ___________. Knowledge can be organized into two broad categories: declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge.
Two Categories of Knowledge Declarative Informational Students will understand... Heat is a form of energy. Heat flows through materials at different rates. Heat can be produced in different ways. Procedural Skills, strategies, and processes Students will be able to … Calculate the specific heat of various materials. Construct a phase diagram. Calculate the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of a body X degrees.
Understands?? Understands is entirely appropriate when designing declarative targets. However, it is not very specific in that it does not describe how students are to demonstrate their understanding. What vehicle (describe, explain) or pattern of reasoning (compare/contrast, analyze and draw conclusions, evaluate) will students use to move beyond recall?
Next Steps… Defining quality for reasoning, performance skill, and product learning targets –Rubric Design –Strong and Weak Models Designing tasks to accompany learning targets
Take Home Message Learning targets are the ends, and activities and assignments are the means to those ends. When designing learning targets, it is useful to keep in mind that distinction between declarative and procedural knowledge to guide instructional design.
One Last Reflection
National Aeronautics & Space Administration What Does NASA Education Offer? An Educator Workshop
Today’s Roadmap Chapter 2 Clear Targets Chapters 3 and 4 Senate Bill 1 Talking Points NASA Heat & Temperature
For February 2010 Read Chapter 5 in Global Achievement Gap. Complete the reading guide. Our next meeting will be February 26 th.