Open Building Information Monitoring Andrew Krioukov David Culler
Previously: Manual Instrumentation Fed Jiang, Jorge Ortiz, Stephen D.Haggerty, 4/12/11 CPS 2011
Cory Hall Sensors & Meters 10 Dent PowerScout electrical meters ModBus, RS-485 2 Power Standards Labs meters Ethernet 2 ION 6200 meters 70 ACME receptacle meters 802.15.4/LoWPAN/IP 4 rooftop solar, temp sensors Obvius steam meter
Continuous Commissioning sMAP: Narrow Waist Personal Feedback Modeling Continuous Commissioning Control Visualization Applications Actuation Location Storage Debugging Authentication JSON, HTTP sMAP CSV, HTTP HTML, HTTP Bacnet/IP ModBus RS-485 Remove Apogee, add later Differing Schemas, Encodings and Transport
Sutardja Dai Hall ~140k sq. feet Siemens Apogee BMS WattStopper BACnet/IP 5886 sense/control points Built up systems set the stage for a new way of collecting building information New buildings such as SDH have extensive instrumentation already, how to tap in? Next: How we accessed the data What we obtained Issues along the way
Network Sensors, Actuators Controllers Internet Modem Remote Login Gateway sMAP Siemens P2 over RS-485 sMAP – homogeneous interface, higher level JSON encoding, extensible schema, human & machine readable BACnet – fixed format, binary encoding, tunneled over IP low level Apogee Server BACnet/IP
Network Internet Remote Login Gateway sMAP Remote Login, BACnet/IP sMAP – homogeneous interface Apogee Server WattStopper Server Modem BACnet/IP
BACnet/IP Protocol Schema Methods Devices Objects Types Properties Discovery Read Write
Schema Object Types (50 total): Analog – Float Device ID Analog – Float Binary – Boolean (e.g. relay state) Multi-state – Enum (e.g. high/med/low) Object ID, Type Num Property ID Property ID … Input – Sensor input (e.g. temp) Output – Control output (e.g. valve pos) Value – Variable (e.g. setpoint) Object ID All binary IDs Query by binary ID Schedule …
Schema Properties (344 total): Units (190 total): PROP_PRESENT_VALUE PROP_DESCRIPTION PROP_LOCATION PROP_UNITS PROP_SCALE PROP_LOW_LIMIT … Units (190 total): Area Electrical Frequency Length Light Mass Mass Flow Power Pressure Temperature Time Torque Velocity Volume Volumetric Flow … All binary
Data 1358 control settings 2291 meters/sensors 2165 control outputs Set points, Relays (lights, pumps, etc), Schedules 2291 meters/sensors Power (building, floor, lights, chiller, pumps, etc) Current, voltage, apparent, real, reactive, peak Temp (rooms, chilled water, hot water) Air volume Alarms, Errors 2165 control outputs Dampers, valves, min/max flow, fan speed, PID parameters 72 other
Extendable to other Buildings Center for the Built Environment Other buildings on campus NY Times Building
Emergency Lights and Recepticals Data MSB MS41A (FAB Process Tool) MS41B (FAB Mech)) MD42A EX-6 EX-7 ELEV-4 SCHWP-1 SCHWP-2 CWP-1 CWP-2 PVP-1 PVP-2 PCWP-1 PCWP-2 CHP-1 CDAC-1 CDAC-2 SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 RO/DI Acid Wash RAHU-1 thru 26 ATS-E02 EOCD41B CAC-1 CAC-2 CITRIS Server Room BDF IDF-3 IDF-6 MDC-UPS-Bypass ATS-EL ELCD41A Emergency Lights and Recepticals ELMD47A EF-1 EF-2 EF-3 EF-4 CB4A CL42A CL43A CL44A CL45A CL46A CL47A CR27A CR26A CR25A CR24A CR23A CR22A Gold – electric meters Blue – systems, building components being measured Metering based on physical connections not logical organization
Power Breakdown Building Power
Issues Naming & Metadata Encoding – binary Schema – fixed Security Based on underlying physical controllers Encoding – binary Schema – fixed Security Schema – constrained Very fragile – security, Name
Security Issues Internet Remote Login Gateway sMAP Remote Login, BACnet/IP Apogee Server WattStopper Server Modem BACnet/IP
Sutardja Dai Building Power MSA MSB AH1A &1B CAC 1&2 ELEV 4 CITRIS Server Room CHP 2&3 IDF 3-6 SF.2 BDF CH-1 Lev. 2-7 Lighting and Receptacles CP-1 FAB HVAC Load 800kW – 1MW