Knowing Jesus through Mark Called and Sent
What is the primary characteristic of a Christian? Someone who has ‘accepted Jesus,’ is forgiven, and is ‘on the way to heaven’? Someone who reads the Bible and prays every day, and who is ‘separate’ from the world?
What is the primary characteristic of a Christian? Someone Who Follows Jesus
Following Jesus The primary occupation of a disciple is to follow Jesus – and fish for people for the Kingdom of God
Following Jesus The primary family of a disciple is the group who follow Jesus.
Following Jesus When people are following Jesus together they are led into action and find God’s Kingdom breaking in.
Sent by Jesus
Sent by Jesus In choosing 12 Apostles Jesus was signalling that he was starting a new kind of ‘People of God’ relationship to Jesus is what counts same faith as Abraham (not genetics) makes us ‘Abraham’s children’ (Paul)
Sent by Jesus Important symbolic and authoritative role, but... shaped by the presence of Jesus heralds of the message of Jesus agents of the Kingdom of God
Sent by Jesus Wide variety of characters... fishermen tax collector (collaborator) freedom fighter (Zealot –terrorist)
Sent by Jesus They had to do things every disciple would do, and they had to get along together
Called and Sent by Jesus Have I made following Jesus my ‘primary occupation’? Is the family of Jesus my primary family? Do I spend time with Jesus so that he can shape who I am and what I do? Am I doing the things that Jesus sent people to do?