Team 3 Marques Fulford Mike Bociaga Jamie Rosin Brandon Washington Jon Olsten Tom Zettel Hayne Kim
2 Outline Mission Statement Mission Plans Design Requirement Aircraft Concept Selection Cabin/Fuselage Layout Constraint Analysis Sizing Studies Advanced Technologies
3 Mission Statement To create an innovative and cost effective commercial aircraft capable of take-off and landing in extremely short distances, making it available to a larger number of runways, in order to open up more airports, primarily to relieve the continuous growing congestion of large hubs.
4 Mission Plans Gary Chicago to Dallas Love Field 693 nmi New York LaGuardia to Miami International 935 nmi Charlotte International to Essex County, NJ 460 nmi Round trip without refueling
5 Design Requirements Mission RequirementsTargetThreshold Takeoff Runway Length≤2500ft3000ft Landing Runway Length≤2500ft3000ft Height to Passenger Door Sill at OWE≤5ft9 Height to Baggage Door Sill at OWE≤4ft6 Typical Cruise Mach Number≥ Range w/ Max Payload≥2000nmi1500nmi Max Take-Off Weight≤100,000 lb 150,000 lb Max Passengers (single class)≥170pax150pax Operating Cost ($US 2007)≤0.08 $/seat- mile0.12 $/seat- mile
6 Concept Generation Each group member generated ten different concepts. From those ten concepts each member chose their top two designs. Then the group voted on those designs to get the top four designs. The top four designs were further developed and then discussed.
7 Low Swept Wing; Engines Over Wing High Wing Swept; Engines Under Wing High Swept Wing; Engines Under Wing Low Forward Swept Wing; Engines Over Wing
8 Pugh’s Method CriteriaDefinition ESTOLAbility to take off and land on a short runway (d<3000 ft) High L/D (cruise)High L/D ratio in cruise configuration. L/D = 23 High M (cruise)High Mach number in cruise configuration (M>0.76) High TO ThrustHigh Take-Off Thrust available from engines. Passenger Comfort Ability to provide enough space to keep passengers comfortable. Low Door Sill Height Low door sill height (low landing gear) to allow access at terminals with limited service (no jet ways) (h<9 ft.) Low NoiseLow noise pollution (db<75db) Low Complexity Low system complexity to reduce cost and increase safety/reliability. Low Weight Low weight to decrease acquisition cost, including low empty weight fraction. SafetyHigh safety, low system component failure rates.
9 Criterion Low Aft swept wing Low forward swept wing w/blown flaps Low straight wing w/plasma ESTOL DATUM (737 NG+2) + + High L/D (cruise)+ S High M (cruise)S S High TO ThrustS S Passenger ComfortS S Low Door Sill Height+ - Low NoiseS - Low Complexity- S Low Weight- S Safety+ S Rotation Angle SNo Check11 Pugh's Survivor?Yes
10 Pugh’s Methods Results The aircraft was not designed by any one particular person however it was a hybrid of several concepts blended together. Special Design Features Forward swept wings Engines mounted over the wing Plasma stream over the lifting surfaces.
11 Cabin/Fuselage Layout Two Class Layout 176 passengers Mid-fuselage exits Still being placed
12 Cabin/Fuselage Layout Single Class Layout 180 passengers Mid-fuselage exits Still being placed
13 Constraint Analysis Major Performance Constraints Takeoff and Landing Distance Cruise Mach 1.5g Maneuver at Cruise Altitude
14 Important Assumptions AR=10 e=0.8 C Lmax =4.0 L/D =23 Engines = 2 W e /W o =0.49 CD 0 =0.015 M cruise = 0.78
15 Constraint Diagram W 0 /S: 78 psf T/W: 0.28 Takeoff: 1500 ft Landing: 500 ft
16 Constraint Diagram W 0 /S: 141 psf T/W: Takeoff: 2500 ft Landing: 900 ft
17 Sizing Approach Sizing done using methods found in “Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach” by Daniel Raymer. Using these methods Arrival created MATLAB script files to complete sizing.
18 Sizing Approach Initial Results ParameterTarget RangeThreshold Range TOGW [lbs]100,00095,000 We [lbs]50,000 We/Wo0.49 Fuel Weight [lbs]13,00011,000 Est. Wing Span 1500 ft Ground Roll [ft]~113 Est. Wing Span 2500 ft Ground Roll [ft]~84 Est. Wing Area 1500 ft Ground Roll [sq ft]~1270 Est. Wing Area 2500 ft Ground Roll [sq ft]~703
19 Advanced Concepts Trade Study After applying Pugh’s Method, the “surviving” configuration concepts were compared to select the final ideal configuration. Two concepts, a design based off of the Boeing “Fozzie” concept, only with GTF engines and a modified tail, and a low-mounted FSW concept with Canards and USB.
20 Advanced Concepts Trade Study The FSW concept won out due to the ability to mount the wings further aft. This means the main gear can be mounted further aft and thus increase the rotation angle on takeoff, thus helping Arrival meet its ESTOL requirement.
21 SFC = 0.36 Advanced Technology Study Specific Fuel Consumption Improvements
22 Advanced Technology Study Composites Weight Savings TRL 9 15% weight savings factor on the Empty Weight of our aircraft
23 UDF and GTF provided a conservative savings of 15% each. Optimistic savings were 20% (per Bombardier) for GTF and 25% for UDF. Bombardier’s estimate selected, then projected based on the trend in SFC reduction vs. certification date found on Slide 15. Power Series Projection Certification YearSFC UDF SFC (15% savings) UDF SFC (25% Savings) GTF SFC (15% Savings) GTF SFC (20% Savings) Advanced Technology Study Increased Fuel Economy TRL 8-9
24 USB provided a C Lmax of 5 on the YC- 14. Blown flaps had a C Lmax of 5 to 7 on the YC-15. USB exceeds Arrival’s conservative C Lmax assumption of 4. YC-14 YC-15 Advanced Technology Study Upper-Surface Blowing, Blown Flaps TRL 8
25 Advantages: Lower sweep angle for same shock sweep Increased thickness-to-chord ratio Control surfaces stall at higher AOA Higher C L at low speeds Primary Disadvantage: Weight penalty to avoid structural divergence Solution: Advanced composite materials may be used to tailor the structural divergence. Exhibited in X-29 and Su-47 Advanced Technology Study Forward-Swept Wings TRL 8
26 To delay leading-edge separation over the wing and control surfaces. How it works: “The process of ionizing the air in this configuration is classically known as a single dielectric barrier discharge. The ionized air (plasma) in the presence of an electric field gradient produces a body force on the ambient air, inducing a virtual aerodynamic shape that causes a change in the pressure distribution over the surface on which the actuator is placed. The air near the electrodes is weakly ionized, and there is little or no heating of the air.” Demonstrated in laboratory and on a sailplane fitted with plasma actuators. Taken from Overview of Plasma Flow Control: Concepts, Optimization, and Applications T. Corke and M. Post, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN AIAA rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan , 2005 Advanced Technology Study Leading Edge Plasma Actuators TRL 5
27 Advanced Technology Study Leading Edge Plasma Actuators TRL 5
28 Current Aircraft Design
29 Requirements Compliance Mission Requirements TargetThresholdCurrent Takeoff Runway Length≤2500ft3000ft2500ft Landing Runway Length≤2500ft3000ft900ft Height to Passenger Door Sill at OWE≤5ft9 8 Height to Baggage Door Sill at OWE≤4ft6 6 Typical Cruise Mach Number≥ Range w/ Max Payload≥2000nmi1500nmi2000nmi Max Take-Off Weight≤100,000lb150,000 lb100,000lb Max Passengers (single class)≥170pax150pax170pax Operating Cost ($US 2007)≤0.08$/ASM0.12$/ASM0.05$/ASM
30 Next Steps Finish quantifying advanced concepts Finish aircraft sizing Develop design details Finalize performance characteristics Estimate total cost Determine environmental impact Determine component weight breakdown
Questions & Comments
32 Criterion Low swept wing Low forward swept wing w/blown flaps Low ASW w/blown flaps High ASW w/blown flaps Blended wing/body Low wing w/variable incidence Low straight wing w/plasma Low wing w/thrust vectoring ESTOL DATUM High L/D (cruise)++++++S High M (cruise)SSSS+++ High TO ThrustSSSSSS+ Passenger ComfortSSS-SSS Low Door Sill Height+S++SSS Low NoiseSSS+SS- Low Complexity Low Weight Safety+S+--SS Rotation Angle+++--SS SNo Check11 Pugh's Survivor?Yes No Yes