Garden City High School
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Garden City High School JROTC
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Garden City High School
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-FlightC-FlightD-Flight ACTIVITIES BOARD
A-Flight B-Flight C-Flight D-Flight FLIGHT GOALS
A-Flight B-Flight C-Flight D-Flight FLIGHT GOALS Just pay attention to what these cadets have to say, and you will be glad you took this class...
A-Flight B-Flight C-Flight D-Flight FLIGHT GOALS Then we’re going to...
We are Cadets Thrun... Silcock... Cooper... Wendecker
AFJROTC is a class and a club (if you want it to be). In the class you can learn about The History of Aviation, The Science of Flight, and even The Exploration of Space. It is very informational, fun and not at all boring. Science and aviation may not interest you, but the following slides may...
First year students DO NOT have to wear the uniform! If you are a second year cadet, or a first year cadet who chooses to wear the uniform: you only need to wear it 1 day a week. The uniform is worn each Tuesday and before you judge it, know that there are good and bad sides to it. Plus it’s free! First HourSecond Hour Britton Fourth Hour Omar Fifth Hour Jared Hey she looks pretty good in uniform! I just love a man in uniform! Especially HOMEBOY! Opps…did I say that out loud?
The work is very “hard.” If you turn in every “extremely time consuming” assignment you will pass. This is how the week is ran: Monday:Lt. Col. Gilmour teaches Tuesday:Sergeant Carpenter teaches Wednesday:Lt. Col. Gilmour teaches Thursday:Sergeant Carpenter teaches Friday:Physical Training
There are many benefits you can get from taking this class: Scholarships: Scholarships are available to AFJROTC members who wish to join AFROTC in college. Interested students should take the class. (See Lt. Col. Gilmour for more information) Military Enlistment Benefits: Cadets completing High School that have earned a certificate of completion and have qualifying ASVAB scores may enlist at the pay grade of E-3 instead of E- 1. This is about $250+ more per month!
Adopt-a-Highway Cancer Benefit VFW Breakfast Seed to Feed Care packages for deployed servicemen Garden Show Letters to Veterans Letters to deployed military personnel
Field Day Bike Ride Cadet Oath Veterans Thank You Cards Candy Sale Fundraiser Santa Land Parade Event Recruiting Anchor Bay Field Day Memorial Day Parade Awards Banquet Military Ball
Organizational Chart
Kitty Hawk Air Society Summer Camps Model Rockets/ Flight Simulators Civilian Airport Field Trip Varsity Letters Attend Anchor Bay Field Day AFJROTC Apparel Finish Mural Start a Website
AFJROTC Ask your counselor to enroll you in: Science of Flight and Communication Awareness A