Malmö university Teaching Science through Environmental Education
Period spent to transform it to an e-environment The transformation period was from the start of the project until July, 2008
Overview of the e-module The module consists of seven sessions. The module is based on constructivism. Sessions 1 start with Pupils concept on water and water pollution. Next session deals with how teachers can work to create conceptual changes. Session three focus on productive questions as tool to create new knowledge and how these questions can be used to start scientific enquiries. Next session deals with attitudes as a part of the knowledge creation. Session one to four is a platform for session five. This session is dealing with an authentic and complex problem concerning conflicts of interest in the use of natural resources. In next session teachers will design their own teaching material buildt on experiences and theories from former sessions.
Organisation and workforms The module teacher meets the participants on the web, through Moodle. The module teacher guides the participants to explore certain methods in workshops. Participants read and reflect on different texts and discuss tasks on discussion forums on Moodle. Different working forms are used and evaluated. The participant will also develop a plan for a set of lessons based on a local conflict of interests. Participants will act as critical friends on each other’s plans and give comments and feedback Each participant uses an individual portfolio
Assessment Assessment of this module will be through the production of a plan for a set of lessons based on a local conflict of interests (that includes study visit, problem-solving, value clarification and role-play) and through critical and reflective comments on each others plans. The report should be equivalent to 2500 words. Products from each session will also be assessed.
Implementation and future work The module is tested by one student at Malmö University Piloting. ? The module needs to be updated. One reference to a E-book ( h /) needs to be changed and a few links doesn’t work properly. Its important that the module is piloted during spring The deadline for updating the module is Febrary the 1st h /