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Where could someone obtain information and insight on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Contact a Veteran’s Service Representative All of the Above Take an online course Schedule a meeting with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Talk to a Mental Health Professional
A Veteran’s Service Representative would be a great resource for Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder. To find the nearest Vet Center, click Go back to view other correct answers Excellent resource!
Great option! The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers a course that you can download and view at your convenience. Click here to be directed to the site. here Go back to view other correct answers
Networking is vital. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors have a wealth of information and are great resources. Do some schmoozing! Go back to view other correct answers It’s a GOOD idea to know your VR Staff!
Great resource! Find opportunities to pick their brains to best serve your customers. Invite a local mental health professional to speak to your staff. Check with the JAN Professionals at the Job Accommodation Network regarding job accommodations for people with PTSD. Job Accommodation Network Go back to view other correct answers
Congratulations! Thank you for choosing to learn more about this topic. Please take the time to follow up on one of the suggestions made in the show. Thank you From “your name”, your Disability Program Navigator “phone” or “Relay number” “ address 30-Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort. Please contact your local DPN to add a friend or colleague to this list.