ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Space Weather in Medium Earth Orbit H.D.R. Evans, K. Ryden, P. Nieminen, E. Daly, P. Buehler, W. Hajdas, A. Zadeh ESWW7, Brugge 15/11/2010
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MEO Orbit 23200km altitude circular orbit 56° inclination Crosses the Trapped Electron belt at L=~ 4.5 Giove-A Operational since end Dec Giove-B Operational since May 2008 Integral Galileo Integral (4.5<L<5)
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Instrumentation 1.Giove-A a.MERLIN: 3 SURF Plates RadFETs (3 & 6 mm) Proton > 40 MeV Ion/LET detector b.CEDEX LET telescope Experimental Dose rate diodes 2.Giove-B: SREM Three ORTEC type PIPS diodes, two in coincidence RadFET
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Giove-A Merlin SURF Response K. Ryden (QinetiQ), “Measurements of Internal charging Currents in MEO: , SCTC-2010, Albuquerque, NM, USA
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Trapped Electron Belt – GioveA/Merlin K. Ryden (QinetiQ), “Measurements of Internal charging Currents in MEO: , SCTC-2010, Albuquerque, NM, USA
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Giove-A/MERLIN Spectral Response K. Ryden (QinetiQ), “Measurements of Internal charging Currents in MEO: , SCTC-2010, Albuquerque, NM, USA
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 15 July 2008 COSPAR 7 IREM Channels Grey = low response to electrons
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Trapped Electron Belt – GioveB/SREM
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use INTEGRAL/IREM from 4.5<L<5.0
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Giove-B/SREM – RadFET doses
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Herschel/SREM: Solar Proton Events
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Solar Proton Events
MEO Radiation Environment | H.D.R. Evans | ESWW7, Brugge | 15/11/2010 | TEC-EES | Slide 13 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conclusions 1.The trapped electron environment is very dynamic but has been very quiet for much of the Giove-B mission, > ½ the dose has been accumulated in the last 8 Months. 2.The Electron Belt event on the 6 th April was a notably strong event in the MeV) electrons. 3.Since the April Event, the environment has continued to be active, but at a lower level than seen during the last period of solar maximum 4.Only a few very small solar proton events have been seen in the last years, and the results from Herschel & Planck show an anisotropy in the distribution. The Sun is starting to increase in activity, but it is still fairly quiet.