Choosing Oxford
2 Who am I? Dr Stephen Drape Access and Schools Liaison Officer for Computer Science (Also a Departmental Lecturer) 8 years at Oxford (3 years Maths degree, 4 years Computer Science graduate, 1 year lecturer)
3 Contents Page Some myths about Oxford How Oxford differs from most universities Applications and Interviews
4 Five myths about Oxford There’s little chance of getting in It’s expensive College choice is very important Oxford is elitist You have to be very bright
5 Myth 1: Little chance of getting in False! Statistically: you have a 20–40% chance Admissions data for 2007 entry: ApplicationsAcceptances% Maths % Maths & Stats % Maths & CS % Comp Sci % Physics % Chemistry %
6 Myth 2: It’s very expensive False! Most colleges provide cheap accommodation for three years. College libraries and dining halls also help you save money. Increasingly, bursaries help students from poorer backgrounds. Most colleges and departments are very close to the city centre – low transport costs!
7 Myth 3: College Choice Matters False! If the college you choose is unable to offer you a place because of space constraints, they will pass your application on to a second, computer- allocated college. Application loads are intelligently redistributed in this way. Lectures are given centrally by the department as are many classes for courses in later years.
8 Myth 3: College Choice Matters However… Choose a college that you like as you have to live and work there for 3 or 4 years Look at accommodation & facilities offered. Choose a college that has a tutor in your subject.
9 Myth 4: Oxford is elitist False! Oxford has a large variety of students (state & independent, British & International, male & female) Tutors assess applicants based on ability and motivation It does not matter what your “background” is
10 Myth 5: You have to be bright True! We find it takes special qualities to benefit from the kind of teaching we provide. So we are looking for the very best in ability and motivation. A typical offer is 3 A grades at A-Level
11 The University The University consists of: Colleges Departments/Faculties Administration Student Accommodation Facilities such as libraries, sports grounds The University is distributed throughout the whole city
12 Departments vs Colleges Departments are responsible for managing each courses by providing lectures, giving classes and setting exams College can provide accommodation, food, facilities (e.g. libraries, sports grounds) but also gives tutorials and admits students
13 Teaching Teaching consists of a variety of activities: Lectures: usually given by a department Tutorials: usually given in a college (often 1 tutor with 2 students) Classes: for more specialised subjects Practicals: for many Science courses Projects/Dissertations: for some courses
14 Colleges There are around 30 colleges in Oxford – some things to consider: Check what courses each college offers Accommodation Location Facilities You can submit an open application
15 Applications Process Choose a course Choose a college that offers that course Your application goes to a college rather than the University as a whole since college admissions tutors decide who to admit. You can choose a first choice college – second and third choices get allocated to you.
16 Interviews Interviews take place over 2 or 3 days. Candidates stay within college Mostly candidates will have interviews at the first and second choice colleges For some subjects, samples of written work or interview tests are needed
17 What do interviewers assess? Motivation Future potential Problem solving skills Independent thinking Commitment to the subject
18 Common Interview Questions Why choose Oxford? Candidates often say “Reputation” or “It’s the best!” Why do you want to study this subject? Frequent response: “I enjoy it” It’s important to say why the course is right for you – look at the information in the prospectus.
19 What tutors will consider Academic record (previous and predicated grades) School reference UCAS statement (be careful what you say!) Written work or entrance test (as appropriate) Interview performance
20 Useful links The Oxford admission website has lots of information about the various courses and the application process: All of the colleges and departments have their own websites.
21 Open Days Most departments and college hold open days throughout the year An opportunity to find out more about the courses and meet tutors and students Check out the websites for details If you cannot make an open day then ask colleges or departments whether you can visit on a different day
22 Maths in other subjects For admissions, A-Level Maths is mentioned as a preparation for a number of courses: Essential: Computer Science, Engineering Science, Engineering, Economics & Management (EEM), Materials, Economics & Management (MEM), Materials, Maths, Medicine, Physics Desirable/Helpful: Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Economics & Management, Experimental Psychology, History and Economics, Law, Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE), Physiological Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy & Physiology (PPP)