Boolean Searching 1. Write a clear statement about topic 2. Divide topic statement into concepts 3. Select words to express each concept
1. Write a Clear Statement of Topic Does race inequality still exist in the workplace?
2. Select words to Express Concepts Does racial inequality still exist in the workplace? AND race AND inequality workplace
3. Select words to Express Concept AND workplace OR employment OR jobs AND race OR ethnicity OR minority Does racial inequality still exist in the workplace? inequality OR discrimination OR prejudice
Synonyms/Closely Related Words violence: kids under the age of five: men:
Sources of Synonyms/Closely-Related Words Lectures Reading Special thesauri Database records
To retrieve variant forms of a word, truncate. alcohol * includes: alcohol, alcoholic, alcoholics, alcoholism
pollut* includes: pollute, polluter, polluters, polluted, polluting, pollution sexism:
sexism: sexist, sexists, sexism = sexis *
Sexis * retrieves all variant forms of the word “sexism”
Boolean Searching 1. Write a clear statement about topic 2. Divide topic statement into concepts 3. Select words to express each concept 4. Truncate appropriate words
Good and Bad Bound Phrases What types of treatment are available to teens who have attempted suicide?
What types of treatment are available to teens who have attempted suicide? AND treatmentteens attempted suicide
Good and Bad Bound Phrases Bad bound phrase: domestic violence
Good and Bad Bound Phrases
Good Bound Phrases: Global warming Artificial intelligence United States Standard of living
Bad Bound Phrases: Substance Abuse United States Standard of living
Relevant Article At the doorstep to employment: Discrimination against immigrants as a function of applicant ethnicity, job type, and raters' prejudice. Krings, Franciska. International Journal of Psychology. Dec 2007, Vol. 42 Issue 6, p , Abstract: This study examined the impact of applicant ethnicity, job type, and prejudice on evaluation biases and intentions to interview in an experimental simulation. We suggest that bias and discrimination are more likely when foreign applicants who belong to disliked ethnic groups apply for jobs that require high interpersonal skills, and when raters are prejudiced against immigrants.