Main Module 4 Sociotechnology ARIES Formazione
Main Module 4 Sociotechnology Structure – Main Module 4 Module 1 Environmental systems I and II Module 2 Historical aspects of technology Module 3 Traffic safety
to demonstrate a knowledge of the main technological changes that have affected everyday life since industrial revolution; to have a critical appreciation of the factors shaping the development of modern technologies; to take part in informed discussions on these topics and issues; to reflect critically on the changing roles and impacts of technologies in the modern world. Learning outcomes of Module 2
Type and level of course Compulsory Bachelor stage 30 hours: 2 lecture ś / weekly 1 seminar / weekly Study branch:Teaching of vocational courses Specialization:Engineering Year of course:1st year Prerequisites none
Structure – Module 2 Module 2 Historical aspects of Technology Lecture: The development of technology after the industrial revolution Lecture: Technology and materials
Object oriented thematically enclosed list of subjects (submodules): Historical survey The steam-engine Machine tools and their products Modern transport Building construction Coal and the metals New materials: coal-gas, petroleum, and rubber The rise of the modern chemical industry Textiles Pottery and glass The electrical industry Printing, photography, and the cinema Agriculture and food
Object oriented thematically enclosed list of subjects (submodules): Compulsory Elective Lecture: The development of technology after the industrial revolution Historical survey The steam-engine Machine tools and their products Modern transport Building construction Coal and the metals New materials: coal-gas, petroleum, and rubber Textiles Pottery and glass Printing, photography, and the cinema Agriculture and food The rise of the modern chemical industry The electrical industry
Object oriented thematically enclosed list of subjects (submodules): Historical survey The steam-engine Machine tools and their products Modern transport Building construction Coal and the metals New materials: coal-gas, petroleum, and rubber The rise of the modern chemical industry Compulsory Elective Lecture: The development of technology in different subject fields Textiles Pottery and glass The electrical industry Printing, photography, and the cinema Agriculture and food
Module 2 Historical aspects of technology Object oriented thematically enclosed list of subjects (submodules): Compulsory Elective Lecture: Technology and materials Lecture: The development of technology after the industrial revolution Historical survey The steam-engine Machine tools and their products Modern transport Building construction The rise of the modern chemical industry Textiles Pottery and glass Coal and the metals New materials: coal-gas, petroleum, and rubber The electrical industry Printing, photography, and the cinema Agriculture and food
Lecturetraditional face to face lesson SeminarsWorking in groups in order to deepen the compulsory subjects HomeworkProcessing of the subject Teaching methods
Recommended readings SINGER, Ch. et al. ( ). Storia della Tecnologia. P. Boringhier Ed., Torino, ( Ed. italiana in 7 volumi ). Singer Charles, Holmyard E.J., Hall A.R., Williams I.I., Storia della tecnologia, vol.6-7, Torino, Bollati-Boringhieri, P.A.Toninelli, Lo sviluppo economico moderno dalla rivoluzione industriale alla crisi energetica, Venezia Marsilio,1996 Nathan Rosenberg, Dentro la scatola nera:tecnologia ed economia- Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991 Assessment criteria Seminars Homework Final exam 10% 20% 70%