Custom Tools for Refining the NHD in Idaho Presented by Wilma Robertson Date March 2, 2010
Water Features maintained in National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
NHD can and should be continuously updated IDWR undertakes projects to actively collect data People and organizations contact IDWR to provide updates
People or organizations provide local knowledge to update the NHD They are.. Expert GIS Users Non-GIS Public Occasional GIS User IDWR wants to make it as easy as possible for the public to communicate hydro edits to IDWR The “easiest” way depends on the type of user
Expert GIS Users Non-GIS Public Occasional GIS User Internet application
Works for small areas, and simple edits
Expert GIS Users Non-GIS Public Occasional GIS User Large organization: Sub-stewards using USGS Editing tools. 14 new people trained last January! Smaller organizations: Digital spatial data (i.e. shapefiles, geodatabases, etc.)
Expert GIS Users Non-GIS Public Occasional GIS User Have ArcGIS ArcView Limited GIS skills Customized Editing Tools are designed for those users!
Due to budget cuts we are not able to award a.. People to test our internet application or our customized editing tools
First version of tools was tested by Burley Irrigation District Those following slides show canals in Minidoka Irrigation District
We provided Canal Company with best available data (combination of existing NHD, NAIP Imagery and Historical maps) This “background” layer remains unchanged. A different personal geodatabase is edited to capture changes that need to be made to the “background” layer Metadata is collected separately
Example: need to add a missing flowline Step 1: Start editing session Edit “Minidoka_Canals”
Step 2: Use sketch tool to draw new flowline Step 3: When you finish a sketch, bring up the following dialog box:
Step 4: Complete entries in edit tool dialog box: FTYPE restricts user to values used in the NHD No FCODES (yet). We are adding a new feature Names are set up as a domain. Users can type in new names that are then automatically added to drop-down box for the next edit.
Correction has been added to “Minidoka_Canals” personal geodatabase Example 2: Turns out that newly added line only flows to X. Need to delete flowline left of the X X 1. Use edit tool draw on top of portions that should be deleted
2. Complete form entries: 3. Result: IDWR will use FID to determine which are the most recent updates and use those
Results from Burley Irrigation Distrist
We will be working on the next version of this tool that will better address connectivity and flow directions.