King Suad University College of Engineering Industrial Engineering Department Modeling Of Bone Injuries Treatments By Yaser Abdullah al Jammaz Supervised By Prof. Saeed Darwesh
OBJECTIVES 1 - Helping orthopaedics sergeants in evaluating their operations and in estimating the effort allowed to the patients after the operations (especially children) 2-Saving a lot of money which is related to re-operating the orthopaedics patients
THE HUMAN SKELETON The human skeleton keeps the body in shape, protects vital organs such as the brain, heart and lungs, and allows movement. There are about 206 bones in the human body.
BONES The longest bone in our bodies is the femur (thigh bone). The smallest bone is the stirrup bone inside the ear. Each hand has 26 bones in it. Our nose and ears are not made of bone; they are made of cartilage, a flexible substance that is not as hard as bone.
TYPES OF BONE FRACTURE there are several types of fracture
FIXTURE Any bone breaks needs to be fixed. There are three major fixations methods: 1-Simple fixation: Caused by simple injury of the bone , with a splint or cast while it heals
2- External fixation devices FIXTURE 2- External fixation devices Caused by very bad injuries of the bone , It is used when there are extenuating circumstances that preclude the use of internal fixation ,and they maybe the only way to treat fractures with deficient bone stock or infection (external fixation allows easy access to wounds).
3- Internal fixation devices FIXTURE 3- Internal fixation devices Caused by bad injury of the bone, there are different types of fixation tools such as: A- Screws B- Plates C-Wires and pins D-Intermeddler rods and nails
INTERNAL FIXATION DEVICES A- Screws they are used to provide fixation or in conjunction with other devices. cannulated screw
INTERNAL FIXATION DEVICES B- Plates Used to provide stabilization of the broken bone and always used with screws. dynamic compression plate (DCP) buttress plate blade plate
INTERNAL FIXATION DEVICES C-Wires and pins Used to pull various fracture fragments together. "k" wires two cerclage wires tension band wire
INTERNAL FIXATION DEVICES D-Intermeddler rods and nails They are used for different fracture in the intermeddler area and they some times used with screw (when the fracture is critical and some times it is used without screw. Ender nails an intermedullary nail Rush rod
PRESENTED WORK TREATMENT The present work will focus on the ender nail fixation of fractured femoral bones (type of material and the size of nails).
METHODOLOGY Getting the X-ray from hospital as jpg file. 2. Importing the jpg file as raster image from Auto-Cad. 3. Scaling and getting the actual dimensions and exporting the file As DXF file. 4. Building the solid model using GID program.
FINITE ELEMENT MODELING Sold Models Un bended bended
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Loading condition Boundary constrains 500 N 19°
MESH GENERATION Meshing was generated for two models. The table below shows the meshing data for the models.
RESULTS different crack angle
RESULTS Deformation Results
Unbended nails
Bended nails .
Bended nails Vs Unbended
Titanium Vs Ni- chrom
Results 2- STRESSES RESULTS The principal (ρ1, ρ2 and ρ3) stress contours of the FE mesh for bended nails FE models for three materials, cortical and cancllous bone and nails
Principle stress si ,sii ,sii for cortical
Principle stress si ,sii ,sii for concllous
Principle stress si ,sii ,sii for nails
Von-Misses Stresses (un bended nails)
Von-Misses Stresses (bended nails)
Bended nails Vs Unbended
Titanium Vs Ni- chrom
Allowable stress
General Conclusions Finite element can represent the bone treatment very honestly. The maximum displacement at the crack area was found to be 0.034 mm which is safe and within the practical range. The appropriate material to use is titanium since it is lighter than Ni-chrom and its displacement is almost the same