Hints for Computer System Design Paper by B. W. Lampson Presentation by Emerson Murphy-Hill
Some Background B.W. Lampson – same guy who wrote “Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa” Currently at Microsoft Worked on hardware, operating systems, programming environments, and applications Here he presents a laundry list of folk wisdom for system design
26 Pieces of Advice
Separate Normal and Worst Case Normal case must be fast, but worst case must still work Specialization. Special code generated for best case, “replugging” for worst case
Do One Thing At a Time, Well Capture the minimum possible interface, deliver what the interface promised, don’t promise too much Exokernel. The minimum possible abstraction, only promises resource protection.
Don’t Generalize Don’t try to anticipate all possible uses of interface (no general implementation) Microkernels. Interface built generally, but few assumptions made about implementation
Get It Right As Dick Cheney would say, this is “non-actionable intelligence” and fall into the class of “known unknowns” Abstraction does not imply correctness
Don’t Hide Power When low level is high performance, don’t mask it in abstraction Scheduler Activations. Rather than kernel multiplexing threads across processors, have user space decide how to allocate a processor
Use Procedure Arguments Pass code as a parameter Asynchronous I/O. Function callback used as parameter, rather than doing some sort of generic lookup upon return.
Leave it to the Client Attain flexibility and performance by “doing one thing,” letting the client do the rest Monitors. Provide synchronization as a language-level construct, but leave protecting resources to client
Keep Basic Interfaces Stable Avoid changing the interface out from under client Trampoline. To maintain Linux binary compatibility, sys calls are trampoline’d into user space event handler
Keep a Place to Stand If you have to change the interface, keep backward compatibility Virtual Machines. Rather than building OS on top of raw hardware, building on top of virtual machine allows VM implementation to be changed
Plan to Throw One Away Throw away the first version of the system, and start over Interestingly, we didn’t see an example of this. Some of the most worthwhile research papers are systems have failed
Keep Secrets In other words, encapsulation. Layers. Each layer contains state that is private from other layers.
Use Good Design Again Rather than being general, use a good idea multiple times Variations on Cache. TLB, L1+L2, virtual memory, file system cache, disk controller, hierarchical RAID…
Divided and Conquer Take a complex problem and split it up into easier ones Threading. A number of threads can be used to do a number of subtasks.
Shed Load Don’t try to handle all requests, eliminate some Web servers. Rather than try to serve all requests, deny some. Apache does this by putting an upper limit on number of threads
Safety First Avoid disaster over attaining optimal results High level languages. Programmer doesn’t have to worry about type safety and array bounds checking, for example (at a performance cost)
Split Resources Divide up resources, rather than scheduling them. Scheduler Activations. Rather than multiplexing across processors, have one user level thread per processor.
Static Analysis Analyze code without running it, wherever possible Deadlock/Race detection (Sun’s lock_lint). As we have seen dynamic race detection is dependent on system entering all states.
Dynamic Translation Translate/compile code when needed Packet filtering / collocation (Exokernel). Code is interpreted in kernel when needed (runtime) to run in kernel-mode.
Cache Answers Don’t recompute or fetch, when possible Virtual memory. Acts as a cache to hold frequently used pieces of memory.
Use Hints System may provide a hint as to desired results, or where desired results may be found URPC. Calling process will provide a hint to the kernel as to where its processor should next be allocated (server)
Use Brute Force If an elegant solution is not possible, fall back on a long calculation Specialization/RPC variants. Both do something clever when possible, but do the standard thing when not possible
Compute In Background If work is not immediately necessary, do it during downtime Cleanup in log-based file systems. Segment cleaning could be scheduled for nighttime.
Batch Processing Amortize cost by doing a bunch of operations at once Page Protection. In VMM systems, we’ve seen that protecting/unprotecting multiple pages is faster
End-to-end Error detection and recovery is not strictly necessary at all levels, but only for performance. Layers. Error detection could be handled at any layer… really depends on the application
Log Updates Periodically record and backup the state of a system, and be able to recover Log-based file systems. RAID 5 in Elephant, too.
Make Actions Atomic Either have operations complete or fail without residue RCU. Changes are seen as atomic to all processes.
Summary Make it simple Do one thing well Easiest thing possible Delegate work Tackle one aspect only Be consistent
References mpson/ mpson/ reason.blogspot.com/2004_06_20_t he-age-of-reason_archive.htmlhttp://the-age-of- reason.blogspot.com/2004_06_20_t he-age-of-reason_archive.html