Give them what they want! Students’ wish lists for library instruction Jackie Corinth - Librarian, Robert Morris University
Survey Genesis
Harvard Question?
One Minute Paper
Qualitative Research Design
An Ode to the Open-Ended Question
Survey Instrument
Survey Format Two Demographic Questions: 1.Please check the best description of your current student status: Underclassman - Upperclassman - Graduate Student - Other 2.What is your major? One Open-Ended Question: 1.What is the one thing you know now about library/database/internet research that you wish you had learned earlier?
IRB Approval
Pilot Study
Data Analysis
Primary Theme: Databases As resources: 22% “Other” databases: 15% Access: 9% Searching techniques: 6% Secondary Theme: ILL Interlibrary loan: 15%
Practical Applications
External Validity
Next Steps
Revising the Question
The Web-Based One Question Survey