Pharmaceutical informatics Dr. Diaa Moustafa Tahoun
Welcome all ITIacians
And welcome all future informatatians
Introducing myself Dr. Diaa Moustafa Tahoun Manger of pharmacists Tanta tropical hospital
Tanta Tropical Hospital Working environment Stuff Manger Tropical specialist 2 resident doctors 1 clinical pathologist 1 radiologist 2 technical lab. Assistants 2 Para medicals &&& 36 pharmacists = so………..
36 pharmacists Most effort are positioned towards pharmacist Drug dispensing Lab investigations Managerial tasks like attendance verifications… etc Some times patient investigations & always communications
Challenges facing my career No Permanent headquarters 4 the hospital So………. ??no stability even from patient’s point of view Drug expiries Research process 4 the hepatics field interest groups Communications between different doctors who may not meet each others Paper based patient records means…?
Some achievements Simple video connection between ultrasonic & computer T.V. tuner allowed us 2 save patients ultrasonic scan 4 research & consulting issue Simple EHR 4 research & patient follow up Electronic sharing 4 useful books
Future challenges in which BMHI may solve Using suitable HIS Using pharmaceutical IS Using teleconsultation Using PACS Using complete EHR good EHR allow us 2 have accurate statistics
Future vision Solve all the last mentioned challenges by health informatics
& now plzz allow me 4 a pet of social participation Many attempts I had 2 chose a title 2 go on wz my 2day’s presentation But I liked 2 share one of my first presentations 2 u Our professor asked us “me & my colleges” 2 prepare the presentation in a very narrow time table & its title may amaze you as it 2001
DRUG INFORMATION WEB-SITES AND COMPARISON Under supervision Dr. Osama Ibrahim Chairman of Clinical Pharmacy Department
Now you can compare??? Yesterday’s facilities &&& 2day’s ones
Many thanx 4 all of you && Special thanx 4 DR. Aly