CBERS: the Brazilian Experience Gilberto Camara Director for Earth Observation INPE Workshop – 3 Years of CBERS, Beijing, October 2002
2 Overview CBERS Ground and Application Segment in Brazil CBERS Products and Distribution Statistics CBERS Associated Software Technology CBERS Applications Perspectives for CBERS-2 and CBERS-3/4 The rôle of CBERS as an International Cooperation program
3 CBERS Ground and Application Segment
4 Data Reception Image Production Software Develop. Applications
5 CCD image of Brasilia
6 Crops= soy (red) and harvest (green) CCD: Agricultural Region in São Paulo
7 São Paulo Coast (CCD)
8 IRMSS: Brazilian Coast (NE)
9 São Paulo – Rio Janeiro (WFI)
11 WFI: Belo Horizonte Mining = dark regions
12 WFI Mosaic: São Paulo State
13 CBERS-1 Image Production Total number 2000 = 653 products 2001 = 757 products 2002 = 863 products (September) One product = CCD scene (+IRMSS) CBERS demand is similar to LANDSAT
14 Promoting CBERS Partnerships Universities, research institutes and industry Education projects High-school teachers ISPRS – International society for remote sensing Workshops/symposium (SBSR, SELPER, IRSE, etc)
15 CBERS: Partnership examples University of Michigan: mapping selective logging of timber (wood) in Amazon University of Viçosa (Brazil): Vegetation index mapping Military: maps with scales ranging from 1:250,000 (WFI) to 1:50,000 (CCD) University of São Paulo: Geological studies Agricultural Agency (EMBRAPA): Monitoring the expansion of agricultural area
16 CBERS-Associated Software Technology
17 R&D in Image Processing and GIS SPRING – Image processing and GIS software. Multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Solaris) Web: ( downloads)
18 Segmentation and Classification
19 Restoration Objective Correct sensor distortions Reduces the blur effect sensor Restoration filter scene Digital image Corrected image f (cycles/pixels) 1 1
20 Restoration Filter
21 Image Registration and Mosaicking tools Objective Combine two images to generate a large-area composite Amount of data is very large Difficult to get control points manually INPE developed a semi-automatic registration system
22 Registration System Interface
23 Combination of CBERS Images
24 CBERS Application Examples
25 A comparison study between CBERS IR-MSS and Landsat TM images to evaluate deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
26 Segmentation Over Color Composite
28 Comparison of Area Estimation
29 CBERS images in Remote Sensing Training Course for Grade Teachers
31 Perspectives for CBERS-2 and CBERS-3/4
32 Perspectives for CBERS-2 Estalishment of a Joint Cooperation Agreement for Ground and Application Segments Strong partnership between CRESDA and INPE
33 CRESDA-INPE Cooperation Standards for CBERS image products; Quality control and quality assessment plans for CBERS images; A joint commercialization proposal for the marketing of CBERS images for countries other than Brazil and China
34 CRESDA-INPE Cooperation Joint image reception and image production ground station for the CBERS 3 and CBERS 4 satellites Image processing software to extract information from CBERS Establishment of an applications development center to develop end-user products
35 Ground Segment: CBERS-3/4 To be developed as part of the joint agreement between Brazil and China Establish an international network of receiving stations for CBERS-3/4 INPE Initiatives Initial development of ground station for CBERS-2 Replace CBERS-1 processing station
36 Concluding Remarks: The Rôle of CBERS for International Cooperation
37 Significant Contribution of CBERS Competitive advantages of RS imagery When there is a need to routinely monitor a large area consistently, reliably and/or independently. Where there is a need to gather information rapidly about events whose location and timing are unpredictable. Where there is a need for cost-effective cartographic mapping, and imagery can replace or complement aerial surveys. CBERS serves the “public good”
38 Significant Contribution of CBERS International Earth Observation satellites USA and Europe: Earth Observation as commercial service Increase image cost for other countries China and Brazil response CBERS as a “public-good” satellite International cooperation programs Major oportunity for CBERS!
39 Conclusion Many thanks and honors CAST for developing CBERS-1 CNSA and COSTIND for supporting CAST CRESDA for the application development and cooperation with INPE May CBERS Project have a long life!