Web-Based ILC Multi-Bunch Simulation Database Glen White (SLAC / QMUL) ILC MDI Workshop SLAC, Jan 8th 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Web-Based ILC Multi-Bunch Simulation Database Glen White (SLAC / QMUL) ILC MDI Workshop SLAC, Jan 8th 2005

ILC mb Simulations In the real ILC- colliding bunches aren’t gaussian. Short-range wakes cause systematic bunch shape distortions, changing the beam-beam collision dynamics E.g. optimum collisions no longer occur at 0 y / 0 y’ offsets. Also, first part of train has transitory behaviour due to luminosity optimisation procedure To accurately model the luminosity performance of the ILC, a simulation environment has been set up to track a multi-bunch beam from the start of the linac through to the IP. (See Friday’s talk by P.Burrows). Simulation data is stored on a web-based database.